Resignificación cultural en la producción artesanal de las comunidades Shipibo Conibo de Yarinacocha, 2022 - 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La tesis se desarrolló con el objetivo de determinar la resignificación cultural en la
producción artesanal de las comunidades Shipibo Conibo de Yarinacocha, 2022-2023. La
investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo, alcance descriptivo, transversal. Aplicando
diversas técnicas del método etnográfico para el recojo y análisis de la información, como
entrevistas, observación participante, análisis de información estadística y documental. La
muestra del estudio estuvo conformada por 190 artesanas de las comunidades en San
Francisco, San Salvador, Santa Teresita, Santa Clara, Puerto Firmeza, Nueva era, Bena Jema,
Nuevo Egipto. El estudio se fundamenta en dos teorías principales: la teoría culturalista,
plantea que la cultura se aprende mediante una interacción social con otras personas en la
sociedad y la teoría del cambio social, enfocada en el evolucionismo social y la creencia de
que con el desarrollo de las sociedades modernas la tradición deja de jugar un papel
significativo en la vida cotidiana. Finalmente, la resignificación cultural de producción
artesanal en las comunidades Shipibo Conibo de Yarinacocha son un proceso amplio y
progresivo donde la población reinterpreta sus tradiciones en función de las circunstancias
contemporáneas, demandas del mercado que determina la oferta, políticas culturales y
turísticas en el país.
The thesis was developed with the objective of determining the cultural resignification in the artisanal production of the Shipibo Conibo communities of Yarinacocha, 2022-2023. The research has a qualitative approach, descriptive, transversal scope. Applying various techniques of the ethnographic method to collect and analyze information, such as interviews, participant observation, analysis of statistical and documentary information. The study sample was made up of 190 artisans from the communities in San Francisco, San Salvador, Santa Teresita, Santa Clara, Puerto Firmeza, Nueva era, Bena Jema, Nuevo Egypt. The study is based on two main theories: culturalist theory, which states that culture is learned through social interaction with other people in society, and social change theory, focused on social evolutionism and the belief that with the development of in modern societies, tradition no longer plays a significant role in everyday life. Finally, the cultural resignification of artisanal production in the Shipibo Conibo communities of Yarinacocha is a broad and progressive process where the population reinterprets their traditions based on contemporary circumstances, market demands that determine the offer, cultural and tourism policies in the country.
The thesis was developed with the objective of determining the cultural resignification in the artisanal production of the Shipibo Conibo communities of Yarinacocha, 2022-2023. The research has a qualitative approach, descriptive, transversal scope. Applying various techniques of the ethnographic method to collect and analyze information, such as interviews, participant observation, analysis of statistical and documentary information. The study sample was made up of 190 artisans from the communities in San Francisco, San Salvador, Santa Teresita, Santa Clara, Puerto Firmeza, Nueva era, Bena Jema, Nuevo Egypt. The study is based on two main theories: culturalist theory, which states that culture is learned through social interaction with other people in society, and social change theory, focused on social evolutionism and the belief that with the development of in modern societies, tradition no longer plays a significant role in everyday life. Finally, the cultural resignification of artisanal production in the Shipibo Conibo communities of Yarinacocha is a broad and progressive process where the population reinterprets their traditions based on contemporary circumstances, market demands that determine the offer, cultural and tourism policies in the country.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History