Estado trófico de las Lagunas “El Toro” y “Los Ángeles”, Provincia de Santiago de Chuco, Región La Libertad, 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La investigación se llevó a cabo en las lagunas “El Toro” y “Los Ángeles”, ubicadas en la provincia Santiago Chuco, región La Libertad. Se realizó muestreos de mayo a agosto 2023 en 2 estaciones. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el estado trófico de las lagunas “El Toro” y “Los Ángeles”. La toma de muestra se realizó in situ. Para la obtención de la transparencia se usó el disco de Secchi; para la obtención del Fósforo Total se aplicó el método de Ácido Ascórbico SM 4500-E y para la clorofila “a” el método de Fluorometría de Welschmeyer. En la calificación del estado trófico se usó el índice propuesto por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) y el Índice de Carlson. Los resultados de transparencia oscilaron de 3,7 a 6 m en laguna “El Toro” y 3,2 a 4 m en laguna “Los Ángeles”; el fósforo total fluctuó entre 22 a 41 μg/L en laguna “El Toro” y 30 a 44 μg/L en laguna “Los Ángeles”; la clorofila “a” fluctuó entre 31,16 a 36,12 μg/L en laguna “El Toro” y 36,13 a 44,36 μg/L en laguna “Los Ángeles”. Según la OCDE el estado trófico para laguna “El Toro” en transparencia es mesotrófico; para fósforo total es mesotrófico y eutrófico; para clorofila “a” es hipertrófico. En la laguna “Los Ángeles” para transparencia es mesotrófico; para fósforo total es mesotrófico y eutrófico; para clorofila “a” es hipertrófico. Mientras Carlson el estado trófico para la laguna “El Toro” para transparencia es mesotrófico; para fósforo total es eutrófico; para clorofila “a” es eutrófico. En la laguna “Los Ángeles” para transparencia es mesotrófico; para fósforo total es eutrófico; para clorofila “a” es eutrófico.
The research was carried out in the “El Toro” and “Los Angeles” lagoons, located in the Santiago Chuco province, La Libertad region. Sampling was carried out from May to August 2023 in 2 stations. The objective of the study was to evaluate the trophic state of the “El Toro” and “Los Angeles” lagoons. Sampling was carried out in situ. To obtain transparency, the Secchi disk was used; To obtain Total Phosphorus, the Ascorbic Acid SM 4500-E method was applied and for chlorophyll “a” the Welschmeyer Fluorometry method was applied. The index proposed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Carlson Index were used to classify the trophic state. The transparency results ranged from 3.7 to 6 m in “El Toro” lagoon and 3.2 to 4 m in “Los Angeles” lagoon; Total phosphorus fluctuated between 22 to 41 μg/L in “El Toro” lagoon and 30 to 44 μg/L in “Los Angeles” lagoon; Chlorophyll “a” fluctuated between 31.16 to 36.12 μg/L in “El Toro” lagoon and 36.13 to 44.36 μg/L in “Los Angeles” lagoon. According to the OECD, the trophic state for “El Toro” lagoon in transparency is mesotrophic; for total phosphorus it is mesotrophic and eutrophic; for chlorophyll “a” it is hypertrophic. In the “Los Angeles” lagoon, for transparency, it is mesotrophic; for total phosphorus it is mesotrophic and eutrophic; for chlorophyll “a” it is hypertrophic. While Carlson, the trophic state for the “El Toro” lagoon for transparency is mesotrophic; for total phosphorus it is eutrophic; for chlorophyll “a” it is eutrophic. In the “Los Angeles” lagoon, for transparency, it is mesotrophic; for total phosphorus it is eutrophic; for chlorophyll “a” it is eutrophic.
The research was carried out in the “El Toro” and “Los Angeles” lagoons, located in the Santiago Chuco province, La Libertad region. Sampling was carried out from May to August 2023 in 2 stations. The objective of the study was to evaluate the trophic state of the “El Toro” and “Los Angeles” lagoons. Sampling was carried out in situ. To obtain transparency, the Secchi disk was used; To obtain Total Phosphorus, the Ascorbic Acid SM 4500-E method was applied and for chlorophyll “a” the Welschmeyer Fluorometry method was applied. The index proposed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Carlson Index were used to classify the trophic state. The transparency results ranged from 3.7 to 6 m in “El Toro” lagoon and 3.2 to 4 m in “Los Angeles” lagoon; Total phosphorus fluctuated between 22 to 41 μg/L in “El Toro” lagoon and 30 to 44 μg/L in “Los Angeles” lagoon; Chlorophyll “a” fluctuated between 31.16 to 36.12 μg/L in “El Toro” lagoon and 36.13 to 44.36 μg/L in “Los Angeles” lagoon. According to the OECD, the trophic state for “El Toro” lagoon in transparency is mesotrophic; for total phosphorus it is mesotrophic and eutrophic; for chlorophyll “a” it is hypertrophic. In the “Los Angeles” lagoon, for transparency, it is mesotrophic; for total phosphorus it is mesotrophic and eutrophic; for chlorophyll “a” it is hypertrophic. While Carlson, the trophic state for the “El Toro” lagoon for transparency is mesotrophic; for total phosphorus it is eutrophic; for chlorophyll “a” it is eutrophic. In the “Los Angeles” lagoon, for transparency, it is mesotrophic; for total phosphorus it is eutrophic; for chlorophyll “a” it is eutrophic.
Lagunas, Clasificación de las masas de agua