Taller de Storytelling para sensibilizar sobre el Bullying en estudiantes de la I.E. Pedro Mercedes Ureña - 2022
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Carranza Lijap, Wilfredo
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal demostrar que la aplicación del taller de Storytelling puede sensibilizar significativamente sobre el Bullying, a través de una serie de actividades organizadas de manera secuencial y estratégica por medio de sesiones de aprendizaje. La investigación es de enfoque cuantitativo, con un diseño experimental de tipo pre experimental, cuya muestra está constituida por 31 estudiantes del 1 “G” de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Pedro Mercedes Ureña; los cuales fueron seleccionados bajo ciertos criterios de inclusión. Asimismo, se estableció como instrumentos de diagnóstico y recolección de datos al pretest y postest, cuya estructura metodológica está basada en la escala de Likert. Los resultados mostraron un notable cambio en cuanto a la indiferencia con respecto al Bullying, que pasó de estar en un 87.1% durante el pretest a un 25.8% para el postest, logrando un 74.2% de sensibilización tras la aplicación del taller. El análisis estadístico demostró una diferencia significativa (t=-7,437), donde p=0.000. Se concluye que el taller de storytelling es una herramienta metodológica eficaz al momento de abordar temáticas tan complejas como el Bullying de manera dinámica y participativa, posibilitando en los estudiantes el aprendizaje y desarrollo de nuevas ideas y valores como la empatía y el trabajo en equipo.
The main objective of this research work is to demonstrate that the application of the Storytelling workshop can significantly raise awareness about bullying through a series of activities organized sequentially and strategically in learning sessions. The research follows a quantitative approach, with an experimental design of the pre experimental type, whose sample is made up of 31 students from the 1st "G" grade of the educational institution Pedro Mercedes Ureña, who were selected based on specific inclusion criteria. Pretest and posttest instruments, based on the Likert scale, were used for diagnosis and data collection. The results showed a remarkable change in students’ indifference towards bullying, which decreased from 87.1% in the pretest to 25.8% in the posttest, achieving a 74.2% increase in awareness after the workshop. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference (t=-7.437), where p=0.000. It’s concluded that the storytelling workshop is an effective methodological tool for addressing complex issues like bullying in a dynamic and participatory way, enabling students to learn and develop new ideas and values such as empathy and teamwork.
The main objective of this research work is to demonstrate that the application of the Storytelling workshop can significantly raise awareness about bullying through a series of activities organized sequentially and strategically in learning sessions. The research follows a quantitative approach, with an experimental design of the pre experimental type, whose sample is made up of 31 students from the 1st "G" grade of the educational institution Pedro Mercedes Ureña, who were selected based on specific inclusion criteria. Pretest and posttest instruments, based on the Likert scale, were used for diagnosis and data collection. The results showed a remarkable change in students’ indifference towards bullying, which decreased from 87.1% in the pretest to 25.8% in the posttest, achieving a 74.2% increase in awareness after the workshop. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference (t=-7.437), where p=0.000. It’s concluded that the storytelling workshop is an effective methodological tool for addressing complex issues like bullying in a dynamic and participatory way, enabling students to learn and develop new ideas and values such as empathy and teamwork.
Comunicación, Acoso, Comportamiento del alumno, Competencias sociales