Establecimiento de la Red hidrométrica del lateral Paiján para mejorar la distribución de agua de uso agrícola. Valle Chicama. La Libertad.2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El objetivo principal de esta investigación es el establecimiento de la red hidrométrica del lateral Paiján para mejorar la distribución de agua de uso agrícola. Valle Chicama. La Libertad. 2022. El estudio tuvo un diseño de investigación aplicada y descriptiva, utilizando el método de una sola casilla y tomando como muestra los canales de Paiján para proporcionar la cantidad y calidad de agua para un riego oportuno. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron las siguientes técnicas: observación indirecta y directa, así como instrumentos como equipo topográfico, GPS y Correntómetro OTM MF pro. Gracias a ello se logró realizar el inventario de la red hidrométrica; así mismo se realizó lo puntos de control y medición para los 10 aforadores RBC ubicados en el L1 Garrapon, L1 Chuin Alto, L1 San Juan, L1 El Medio, L1 El Alto, L1 Los Grados, L1 Macabi, L1 Huaca III, L1 Los Amaya y L1 Los Delgados; se realizó el diseño hidráulico de medidores con el uso de software Winflume para su calibración, determinar los costos y presupuestos. El costo total para instalación de los aforadores es S/.148 519,39 nuevos soles; los factores mencionados indican que la investigación es factible a lo largo del tiempo y generará beneficios para los agricultores del Valle Chicama. El establecimiento de la red hidrométrica permitirá una mejor distribución y control del agua de riego, optimizando su uso y mejorando la productividad agrícola de la zona.
ABSTRACT The main objective of this research is the establishment of the hydrometric network of the Paiján lateral to improve the distribution of water for agricultural use. Chicama Valley. The Freedom. 2022. The study had an applied and descriptive research design, using the single-box method and taking the Paiján canals as a sample to provide the quantity and quality of water for timely irrigation. The following techniques were used to collect data: indirect and direct observation, as well as instruments such as topographic equipment, GPS and OTM MF pro Correntometer. Thanks to this, it was possible to carry out the inventory of the hydrometric network; Likewise, the control and measurement points were carried out for the 10 RBC gauges located in L1 Garrapon, L1 Chuin Alto, L1 San Juan, L1 El Medio, L1 El Alto, L1 Los Grados, L1 Macabi, L1 Huaca III, L1 Los Amaya and L1 Los Delgados; The hydraulic design of meters was carried out with the use of Winflume software for calibration, determining costs and budgets. The total cost for installing the gauges is S/.148,519.39 new suns; The aforementioned factors indicate that the research is feasible over time and will generate benefits for farmers in the Chicama Valley. The establishment of the hydrometric network will allow better distribution and control of irrigation water, optimizing its use and improving the agricultural productivity of the area.
ABSTRACT The main objective of this research is the establishment of the hydrometric network of the Paiján lateral to improve the distribution of water for agricultural use. Chicama Valley. The Freedom. 2022. The study had an applied and descriptive research design, using the single-box method and taking the Paiján canals as a sample to provide the quantity and quality of water for timely irrigation. The following techniques were used to collect data: indirect and direct observation, as well as instruments such as topographic equipment, GPS and OTM MF pro Correntometer. Thanks to this, it was possible to carry out the inventory of the hydrometric network; Likewise, the control and measurement points were carried out for the 10 RBC gauges located in L1 Garrapon, L1 Chuin Alto, L1 San Juan, L1 El Medio, L1 El Alto, L1 Los Grados, L1 Macabi, L1 Huaca III, L1 Los Amaya and L1 Los Delgados; The hydraulic design of meters was carried out with the use of Winflume software for calibration, determining costs and budgets. The total cost for installing the gauges is S/.148,519.39 new suns; The aforementioned factors indicate that the research is feasible over time and will generate benefits for farmers in the Chicama Valley. The establishment of the hydrometric network will allow better distribution and control of irrigation water, optimizing its use and improving the agricultural productivity of the area.
Red hidrométrica, Diseño hidráulico, Aforadores y software Winflume