Relación entre autoevaluación y autopercepción de salud oral en pacientes geriátricos de IPRESS I-3 Nueva Esperanza, Piura 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Objetivo: El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la relación entre la autoevaluación y autopercepción de salud oral en pacientes geriátricos de IPRESS I-3 Nueva Esperanza, Piura 2022.
Materiales y métodos: El estudio fue de tipo básico, observacional, correlacional y de corte transversal. Se aplicó dos cuestionarios (Cuestionario de Autoevaluación de Salud Oral y Cuestionario de Salud Oral Geriátrico-GOHAI) a 309 pacientes geriátricos que acudieron al IPRESS I-3 Nueva Esperanza, Piura, 2022. Se elaboraron tablas de doble entrada y se aplicó la prueba de independencia de Chi-cuadrado con una significación del 5%.
Resultados: Respecto a la Autoevaluación de Salud Oral, se encontró que el 37,9% de la población presentó 10-19 dientes naturales, el 56% no era portador de prótesis removible, el 38,2% tenía un estado dental malo, el 33,3% tenía estado gingival malo y el 65,7% presentaba sequedad bucal a veces. En cuanto a la Autopercepción de Salud Oral, en el 85,4% de pacientes fue baja, en el 11,7% fue moderada y en el 2,9% fue alta.
Conclusiones: La Autoevaluación de Salud Oral; en sus dimensiones Dientes Naturales Presentes, Estado Dental y Estado Gingival; está estadísticamente relacionada a la Autopercepción de Salud Oral en pacientes geriátricos de IPRESS I-3 Nueva Esperanza, Piura 2022.
Objective: The aim of this investigation was to determine the relationship between oral health self-assessment and oral health self-perception in elderly patients from IPRESS I-3 Nueva Esperanza, Piura, 2022. Materials and methods: The study was basic, observational, correlational and cross-sectional. Two questionnaires (Oral Health Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index-GOHAI) were applied to 309 elderly patients from IPRESS I-3 Nueva Esperanza, Piura, 2022. Double-entry tables were elaborated and it was applied the Chi-square test with a signification of 5%. Results: Regarding Oral Health Self-Assessment, it was found that 37,9% of the population had 10-19 natural teeth, 56% did not use removable prosthesis, 38,2% had a bad poor status, 33,3% had poor gingival status and 65,7% had dry mouth sometimes. Regarding Oral Health Self-Perception, in 85,4% of patients it was low, in 11,7% it was moderate and in 2,9% it was high. Conclusion: The Oral Health Self-Assessment; in its dimensions Present Natural Teeth, Teeth Status and Gums Status; is statistically related to the Oral Health Self-Perception in elderly patients of IPRESS I-3 Nueva Esperanza, Piura 2022.
Objective: The aim of this investigation was to determine the relationship between oral health self-assessment and oral health self-perception in elderly patients from IPRESS I-3 Nueva Esperanza, Piura, 2022. Materials and methods: The study was basic, observational, correlational and cross-sectional. Two questionnaires (Oral Health Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index-GOHAI) were applied to 309 elderly patients from IPRESS I-3 Nueva Esperanza, Piura, 2022. Double-entry tables were elaborated and it was applied the Chi-square test with a signification of 5%. Results: Regarding Oral Health Self-Assessment, it was found that 37,9% of the population had 10-19 natural teeth, 56% did not use removable prosthesis, 38,2% had a bad poor status, 33,3% had poor gingival status and 65,7% had dry mouth sometimes. Regarding Oral Health Self-Perception, in 85,4% of patients it was low, in 11,7% it was moderate and in 2,9% it was high. Conclusion: The Oral Health Self-Assessment; in its dimensions Present Natural Teeth, Teeth Status and Gums Status; is statistically related to the Oral Health Self-Perception in elderly patients of IPRESS I-3 Nueva Esperanza, Piura 2022.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History