Servidumbres eléctricas y conflictos sociales entre Hidrandina y pobladores de los caseríos de La Shicuana y Hualanga Alta – Cajamarca
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente informe de tesis muestra los resultados de la investigación que tuvo como propósito el estudio de los conflictos sociales, generados a raíz del mantenimiento de las servidumbres eléctricas, entre la empresa eléctrica Hidrandina Sociedad Anónima (en adelante Hidrandina), y pobladores de los caseríos de La Shicuana y la Hualanga Alta del distrito y provincia de Cajamarca de la región del mismo nombre en el norte del Perú. Buscamos identificar cómo internalizan esta situación los pobladores que cuentan con propiedades agrícolas sobre las cuales se erigen las líneas de alta tensión que trasladan energía eléctrica y que por lo tanto otorgan servidumbres eléctricas a la empresa en mención. Comprender cómo asumen que los conflictos afectan a los dos grupos de actores principales involucrados y cómo se ve afectado el mantenimiento (limpieza) de la franja de servidumbres de las Línea de Transmisión L-6046/60 KV Cajamarca Norte – Cajamarca, actualmente denominada L-6041/60 Kv Moyococha – Cajamarca; tendido de la red eléctrica que se extiende en parte de propiedades de los comuneros. Para esta investigación se revisó y analizó la información teórica disponible de diversas fuentes, para el trabajo de campo se utilizó la técnica de la observación, la entrevista y la encuesta, que permitieron obtener información de los pobladores con respecto a la percepción que tienen de la empresa del sector eléctrico, asimismo se hizo entrevistas a funcionarios de la empresa Hidrandina. Los principales resultados y conclusiones de la investigación determinan que los actores sociales, tanto públicos y privados, deben considerar que el conflicto es un hecho inherente a nuestra realidad democrática y debemos estar preparados para abrir un diálogo genuino y su efectividad para superar las discrepancias que surgen en el devenir de las actividades eléctricas y parte de la población de Cajamarca.
This thesis report shows the results of the research that had as its purpose the study of social conflicts, generated as a result of the maintenance of electrical easements, between the electric company Hidrandina Anonymous Society (hereinafter Hidrandina), and residents of the hamlets from La Shicuana and Hualanga Alta of the district and province of Cajamarca of the region of the same name in northern Peru. We seek to identify how this situation is internalized by residents who have agricultural properties on which high voltage lines that transport electrical energy is erected and which therefore grant electrical easements to the company in question. Understand how they assume that conflicts affect the two groups of main actors involved and how the maintenance (cleaning) of the strip of easements of the Transmission Line L-6046/60 KV Cajamarca Norte – Cajamarca, currently called L-, is affected. 6041/60 Kv Moyococha – Cajamarca; laying of the electrical network that extends partly to the properties of the community members. For this research, the theoretical information available from various sources was reviewed and analyzed. For field work, the technique of observation, interview and survey was used, which allowed obtaining information from the residents regarding their perception of the company in the electrical sector, interviews were also conducted with officials of the Hidrandina company. The main results and conclusions of the research determine those social actors, both public and private, must consider that conflict is an inherent fact of our democratic reality and we must be prepared to open a genuine dialogue and its effectiveness to overcome the discrepancies that arise. in the future of electrical activities and part of the population of Cajamarca.
This thesis report shows the results of the research that had as its purpose the study of social conflicts, generated as a result of the maintenance of electrical easements, between the electric company Hidrandina Anonymous Society (hereinafter Hidrandina), and residents of the hamlets from La Shicuana and Hualanga Alta of the district and province of Cajamarca of the region of the same name in northern Peru. We seek to identify how this situation is internalized by residents who have agricultural properties on which high voltage lines that transport electrical energy is erected and which therefore grant electrical easements to the company in question. Understand how they assume that conflicts affect the two groups of main actors involved and how the maintenance (cleaning) of the strip of easements of the Transmission Line L-6046/60 KV Cajamarca Norte – Cajamarca, currently called L-, is affected. 6041/60 Kv Moyococha – Cajamarca; laying of the electrical network that extends partly to the properties of the community members. For this research, the theoretical information available from various sources was reviewed and analyzed. For field work, the technique of observation, interview and survey was used, which allowed obtaining information from the residents regarding their perception of the company in the electrical sector, interviews were also conducted with officials of the Hidrandina company. The main results and conclusions of the research determine those social actors, both public and private, must consider that conflict is an inherent fact of our democratic reality and we must be prepared to open a genuine dialogue and its effectiveness to overcome the discrepancies that arise. in the future of electrical activities and part of the population of Cajamarca.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History