Programa ‘‘LUDOTEX’’ para mejorar la producción de textos narrativos en estudiantes del nivel primaria en una institución educativa, Trujillo-2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar de qué manera la aplicación del programa “LUDOTEX” mejora la producción de textos narrativos en estudiantes del nivel primaria en una institución educativa en Trujillo durante el año 2022. El tipo de investigación es aplicada, con un enfoque cuantitativo, y el diseño incluido fue cuasi experimental. La técnica empleada fue la encuesta, utilizando como instrumento una prueba escrita constituida por 6 ítems correspondientes a las dimensiones de nuestra variable dependiente, la producción de textos narrativos. La muestra estuvo conformada por 56 estudiantes, de los cuales, 28 estudiantes de la sección “A” actuaron como grupo control, mientras que 28 estudiantes pertenecientes a la sección “B” formaron parte del grupo experimental. Los resultados fueron que un 54% se ubicó en el nivel logrado y 39% en nivel destacado en el grupo experimental, mientas que en el grupo control el 71% permanece en proceso, 25% en logrado y 4% en nivel destacado y según la prueba de U de Mann – Whitney después de haber aplicado el programa “LUDOTEX” la significancia fue de 0,000 < 0,05. Se concluye que existe mejora en la producción de textos narrativos en estudiantes del nivel primaria en una institución educativa en Trujillo durante el año 2022 después de aplicar el programa “LUDOTEX”.
The general objective of this research was to determine how the application of the “LUDOTEX” program improves the production of narrative texts in elementary school students in an educational institution in Trujillo during the year 2022. The type of research is applied, with a quantitative approach, and the design included was quasi-experimental. The technique used was the survey, using as an instrument a written test consisting of 6 items corresponding to the dimensions of our dependent variable, the production of narrative texts. The sample consisted of 56 students, of which 28 students from section “A” acted as the control group, while 28 students belonging to section “B” were part of the experimental group. The results were that 54% were in the achieved level and 39% in the outstanding level in the experimental group, while in the control group 71% remained in process, 25% in achieved and 4% in outstanding level and according to the Mann-Whitney U test after having applied the “LUDOTEX” program, the significance was 0.000 < 0.05. It is concluded that there is an improvement in the production of narrative texts in elementary school students in an educational institution in Trujillo during the year 2022 after applying the “LUDOTEX” program.
The general objective of this research was to determine how the application of the “LUDOTEX” program improves the production of narrative texts in elementary school students in an educational institution in Trujillo during the year 2022. The type of research is applied, with a quantitative approach, and the design included was quasi-experimental. The technique used was the survey, using as an instrument a written test consisting of 6 items corresponding to the dimensions of our dependent variable, the production of narrative texts. The sample consisted of 56 students, of which 28 students from section “A” acted as the control group, while 28 students belonging to section “B” were part of the experimental group. The results were that 54% were in the achieved level and 39% in the outstanding level in the experimental group, while in the control group 71% remained in process, 25% in achieved and 4% in outstanding level and according to the Mann-Whitney U test after having applied the “LUDOTEX” program, the significance was 0.000 < 0.05. It is concluded that there is an improvement in the production of narrative texts in elementary school students in an educational institution in Trujillo during the year 2022 after applying the “LUDOTEX” program.
Educación, Comunicación, Narración, Redacción, Texto, Juego, Juego educativo, Programa de enseñanza