Relaciones núcleo - periferia entre asentamientos domésticos Chimú Tardío y Chimú Inca en el valle de Moche: el caso La Joyada
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Las intervenciones realizadas por el Programa Arqueológico Huanchaco en el sitio arqueológico La Joyada, en la zona litoral del valle de Moche, develaron la presencia de una ocupación doméstica asociada a los periodos Chimú Tardío, Chimú Inca y Colonial. La presente investigación se centró en analizar el material cultural recuperado de dichas intervenciones, con la finalidad de caracterizar la ocupación del asentamiento y su relación con la metrópoli de Chan Chan a lo largo de sus distintos momentos ocupacionales en el marco de la Teoría Sistema - Mundo. De este modo, se demostró que las actividades domésticas realizadas en el asentamiento correspondieron a pesca, marisqueo, agricultura y, posiblemente, algunas actividades artesanales menores, como textilería. Dichas actividades variaron en envergadura a lo largo de la ocupación de La Joyada, iniciando como un posible enclave productivo periférico de la metrópoli de Chan Chan, para luego corresponder a una producción de subsistencia, pero cuya población aún se encontraba inmersa en el sistema político, económico, social y religioso del decadente estado Chimú.
ABSTRACT The studies carried out by the Huanchaco Archaeological Program at La Joyada archaeological site, in the coastal area of the Moche Valley, revealed the presence of a domestic occupation associated with the Late Chimú, Chimú Inca and Colonial periods. This research focused on analyzing the cultural material recovered from those interventions, with the purpose of characterizing the occupation of the settlement and its relationship with the metropolis of Chan Chan throughout its different occupational moments using the World System Theory. Thus, it was shown that domestic activities carried out in the settlement included fishing, shellfishing, agriculture and possibly some artisanal activities, such as textile production. These activities varied widely throughout the occupation of La Joyada, starting as a possible peripheral productive enclave of the Chan Chan metropolis, to later correspond to a subsistence production, but whose population was still immersed in the political, economic system, social and religious of the decadent state Chimú.
ABSTRACT The studies carried out by the Huanchaco Archaeological Program at La Joyada archaeological site, in the coastal area of the Moche Valley, revealed the presence of a domestic occupation associated with the Late Chimú, Chimú Inca and Colonial periods. This research focused on analyzing the cultural material recovered from those interventions, with the purpose of characterizing the occupation of the settlement and its relationship with the metropolis of Chan Chan throughout its different occupational moments using the World System Theory. Thus, it was shown that domestic activities carried out in the settlement included fishing, shellfishing, agriculture and possibly some artisanal activities, such as textile production. These activities varied widely throughout the occupation of La Joyada, starting as a possible peripheral productive enclave of the Chan Chan metropolis, to later correspond to a subsistence production, but whose population was still immersed in the political, economic system, social and religious of the decadent state Chimú.
Cultura Chimú , Zona urbana, Interacción cultural