Importancia del principio de prevención en las resoluciones del Tribunal de Fiscalización Laboral
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El propósito del presente trabajo de investigación es determinar la importancia que tiene la aplicación del principio de prevención en las resoluciones emitidas por el TFL en el año 2022. Siendo una investigación aplicada, a nivel descriptivo-exploratorio, se usó un enfoque cualitativo, métodos analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, comparativo, hermenéutico y observación directa. Así mismo, se usó la técnica de fichaje para la recolección de datos, búsqueda de información relevante en repositorios virtuales, análisis documentario, investigación bibliográfica, técnica legislativa y jurisprudencial para el procesamiento de la información. Llegando a la conclusión que todas las resoluciones analizadas, hacen una descripción exhaustiva de los hechos, así mismo hacen una suficiente motivación con el uso de las normas vigentes sobre SST, aplicando de esta manera, el principio de prevención en todas las resoluciones emitidas por dicho tribunal, siendo este de suma importancia para el derecho laboral en el país.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to determine the importance of applying the principle of prevention in the resolutions issued by the Labor Inspection Tribunal of SUNAFIL in 2022. This theoretical or basic research, which is descriptive-exploratory in nature, employed a qualitative approach and utilized analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, comparative, hermeneutic methods, and direct observation. The data collection involved the use of data fiches, searching for relevant information in virtual repositories, documentary analysis, bibliographic research, as well as legislative and jurisprudential techniques for processing the information. The study concludes that all the analyzed resolutions provide a thorough description of the facts and offer adequate motivation through the application of current regulations on occupational safety and health. In doing so, the principle of prevention is applied in all resolutions issued by the tribunal, emphasizing on its critical importance to labor law in the country.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to determine the importance of applying the principle of prevention in the resolutions issued by the Labor Inspection Tribunal of SUNAFIL in 2022. This theoretical or basic research, which is descriptive-exploratory in nature, employed a qualitative approach and utilized analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, comparative, hermeneutic methods, and direct observation. The data collection involved the use of data fiches, searching for relevant information in virtual repositories, documentary analysis, bibliographic research, as well as legislative and jurisprudential techniques for processing the information. The study concludes that all the analyzed resolutions provide a thorough description of the facts and offer adequate motivation through the application of current regulations on occupational safety and health. In doing so, the principle of prevention is applied in all resolutions issued by the tribunal, emphasizing on its critical importance to labor law in the country.
Principio de prevención, Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, Resoluciones del Tribunal de Fiscalización Laboral,, Fiscalización de la Seguridad