Producción, uso y función de la cerámica Moche en Pampa La Cruz, bahía de Huanchaco, valle de Moche
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo estudia la cerámica hallada en contextos domésticos de filiación Moche del sitio Pampa La Cruz mediante la aplicación de los métodos morfológicos, decorativos y petrográficos. Los dos primeros con la finalidad de conocer la tipología tanto en formas como en decoración. La segunda aplicando las técnicas analíticas como la granulometría y petrografía, para conocer la variabilidad y composición mineralógica de éstos. Con el fin de ver en las cerámicas las “huellas” que identifican al grupo o grupos de alfareros que las fabricaron; así mismo, pretendemos conocer las recetas de pasta o modos de producción en cuanto a la elección del material y de su preparación e identificar si se trata de una producción local o estas vasijas provienen de los talleres especializados como el de Huacas de Moche, Cerro Mayal u otros aún por definir.
ABSTRACT The present investigation studies the ceramics found in domestic contexts of Moche affiliation from the Pampa La Cruz site through the application of morphological, decorative and petrographic methods. The first two approaches in order to know the typology both in forms and decoration. The third approach applies analytical techniques such as granulometry and petrography, to know the variability and mineralogical composition of the ceramic vessels and fragments here studied. In order to see in the ceramics the “traces” that identify the group or groups of potters who made them, we intend to know the pasta recipes or modes of production in terms of the choice of material and its preparation and to identify whether it is a local production or if these ceramic vessels caeme from specialized workshops like the ones found Huacas de Moche, Cerro Mayal or other not yet explored.
ABSTRACT The present investigation studies the ceramics found in domestic contexts of Moche affiliation from the Pampa La Cruz site through the application of morphological, decorative and petrographic methods. The first two approaches in order to know the typology both in forms and decoration. The third approach applies analytical techniques such as granulometry and petrography, to know the variability and mineralogical composition of the ceramic vessels and fragments here studied. In order to see in the ceramics the “traces” that identify the group or groups of potters who made them, we intend to know the pasta recipes or modes of production in terms of the choice of material and its preparation and to identify whether it is a local production or if these ceramic vessels caeme from specialized workshops like the ones found Huacas de Moche, Cerro Mayal or other not yet explored.
Petrografía, Arqueometría, Granulometría