Influencia de la inversión pública sobre la pobreza en las macro regiones norte y sur del Perú, 2014 - 2021
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de la inversión pública sobre la pobreza en las macro regiones norte y sur del Perú, 2014 – 2021. Metodológicamente, fue un estudio cuantitativo, no – experimental, explicativo y longitudinal, además, la muestra estuvo compuesta por 96 observaciones para cada variable y se aplicó un modelo econométrico de datos panel. Los resultados evidenciaron que, la inversión pública en infraestructura económica incide negativamente sobre la pobreza en las macro regiones norte y sur del Perú a un nivel de confianza del 95%, por otro lado, la inversión pública en infraestructura social a pesar de tener un coeficiente negativo (-1.29), no resultó ser estadísticamente significativa para explicar a la variable dependiente. Por lo tanto, se concluye que, la inversión pública influye de forma negativa y significativa sobre la pobreza en las macro regiones norte y sur del Perú, 2014 – 2021, siendo la inversión pública en infraestructura económica la que mayor contribuye a reducir dicho problema, sin embargo, en un marco general, se puede afirmar que, a mayor inversión pública efectuada en las macro regiones norte y sur del Perú, menor será el indicador de pobreza.
ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to determine the influence of public investment on poverty in the northern and southern macro-regions of Peru, 2014 - 2021. Methodologically, it was a quantitative, non-experimental, explanatory and longitudinal study, in addition, the sample consisted of 96 observations for each variable and a panel data econometric model was applied. The results showed that public investment in economic infrastructure has a negative impact on poverty in the northern and southern macro-regions of Peru at a confidence level of 95%; on the other hand, public investment in social infrastructure, despite having a negative coefficient (-1.29), this variable was not statistically significant in explaining the dependent variable. Therefore, it is concluded that public investment has a negative and significant influence on poverty in the northern and southern macro regions of Peru, period 2014 - 2021, being public investment in economic infrastructure the one that contributes the most to reduce this problem, however, in a general framework, it can be stated that the greater the public investment made in the northern and southern macro regions of Peru, the lower the poverty indicator
ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to determine the influence of public investment on poverty in the northern and southern macro-regions of Peru, 2014 - 2021. Methodologically, it was a quantitative, non-experimental, explanatory and longitudinal study, in addition, the sample consisted of 96 observations for each variable and a panel data econometric model was applied. The results showed that public investment in economic infrastructure has a negative impact on poverty in the northern and southern macro-regions of Peru at a confidence level of 95%; on the other hand, public investment in social infrastructure, despite having a negative coefficient (-1.29), this variable was not statistically significant in explaining the dependent variable. Therefore, it is concluded that public investment has a negative and significant influence on poverty in the northern and southern macro regions of Peru, period 2014 - 2021, being public investment in economic infrastructure the one that contributes the most to reduce this problem, however, in a general framework, it can be stated that the greater the public investment made in the northern and southern macro regions of Peru, the lower the poverty indicator
Inversión pública, Pobreza, Infraestructura