Control prenatal y complicaciones en puérperas y recién nacidos atendidos en un Hospital público nivel II
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente estudio de tipo cuantitativo – aplicada, descriptivo, retrospectivo, el objetivo fue identificar la relación de la asistencia al control prenatal con las complicaciones en puérperas y recién nacidos atendidos en un Hospital público nivel II. La muestra estuvo conformada por 147 historias clínicas de puérperas y recién nacidos cuyo parto fue en el 2023; que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión.
Los datos recolectados fueron procesados en programas estadísticos conforme a los objetivos propuestos y se presentan en tablas, teniendo en cuenta la estadística descriptiva y porcentual, los resultados indican que la asistencia a control prenatal en puérperas atendidas en un Hospital público nivel II, el mayor porcentaje fue 65% con control prenatal incompleto y el 35% completo. Las complicaciones en la puérpera, el mayor porcentaje de (47.62%), no presentaron ninguna complicación y el 19.05% presento infección del tracto urinario, 12.24% anemia, 6.80% Preeclampsia puerperal, 4.76% Atonía uterina, 4.08% Hemorragia Post parto, 0.68% Muerte materna, 4.76% Otras complicaciones. Las complicaciones en recién nacido, el mayor porcentaje (61.22%) sin complicaciones, 12.93% Ictericia neonatal, 4.76% PEG, 6.12% Prematurez, 5.44% Sepsis neonatal, 3.40% Muerte neonatal, 0.68% Sífilis, 5.44% Otras complicaciones
The present quantitative study - applied, descriptive, retrospective, the objective was to identify the relationship between attendance at prenatal control and complications in postpartum women and newborns treated in a level II public Hospital. The sample was made up of 147 medical records of postpartum women and newborns whose birth was in 2023; that met the inclusion criteria. The data collected were processed in statistical programs in accordance with the proposed objectives and are presented in tables, taking into account the descriptive and percentage statistics, the results indicate that the attendance to prenatal control in postpartum women treated in a level II public Hospital, the highest percentage It was 65% with incomplete prenatal control and 35% complete. Complications in the postpartum woman, the highest percentage of (47.62%), did not present any complications and 19.05% presented urinary tract infection, 12.24% anemia, 6.80% Puerperal preeclampsia, 4.76% Uterine atony, 4.08% Postpartum hemorrhage, 0.68 % Maternal death, 4.76% Other complications. Complications in the newborn, the highest percentage (61.22%) without complications, 12.93% Neonatal jaundice, 4.76% SGA, 6.12% Prematurity, 5.44% Neonatal sepsis, 3.40% Neonatal death, 0.68% Syphilis, 5.44% Other complications
The present quantitative study - applied, descriptive, retrospective, the objective was to identify the relationship between attendance at prenatal control and complications in postpartum women and newborns treated in a level II public Hospital. The sample was made up of 147 medical records of postpartum women and newborns whose birth was in 2023; that met the inclusion criteria. The data collected were processed in statistical programs in accordance with the proposed objectives and are presented in tables, taking into account the descriptive and percentage statistics, the results indicate that the attendance to prenatal control in postpartum women treated in a level II public Hospital, the highest percentage It was 65% with incomplete prenatal control and 35% complete. Complications in the postpartum woman, the highest percentage of (47.62%), did not present any complications and 19.05% presented urinary tract infection, 12.24% anemia, 6.80% Puerperal preeclampsia, 4.76% Uterine atony, 4.08% Postpartum hemorrhage, 0.68 % Maternal death, 4.76% Other complications. Complications in the newborn, the highest percentage (61.22%) without complications, 12.93% Neonatal jaundice, 4.76% SGA, 6.12% Prematurity, 5.44% Neonatal sepsis, 3.40% Neonatal death, 0.68% Syphilis, 5.44% Other complications
Control Prenatal
Recién Nacido