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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
En esta investigación se evaluó el policultivo de la tilapia roja (Oreochromis sp.) y camarón gigante de malasia (Macrobrachium rosembergii) en estanques seminaturales teniendo como especie principal la tilapia, el proyecto se desarrolló durante los meses comprendidos entre julio del 2015 y enero del 2016 en el caserío de Congoy (07°48'29.22"S 78°27'22.93"O) que está ubicado en la provincia de Otuzco-La libertad, para la precia de tilapia se utilizó una estanque de 105m2, para la pre-cría de camarón de 95m2 y para la fase de engorde de 200m2 , la pre-cría de ambas especies fue por un periodo de 30 días y el engorde de 185 días, la densidad de siembra para el engorde en el caso de la tilapia fue de 4 peces/m2 y para camarón 2 ind/m2; con respecto al alimento se utilizó alimento extruido de marca Purina de 45 y 32 % de proteína, la tasa de alimentación al inicio fue de 7% posteriormente fue disminuyendo hasta el 1% en el último mes de cultivo; la longitud promedio para tilapia fue de 21,36 cm y 183,42 g. y para camarón 12,6 cm y 9,2 g
In this research the polyculture of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) And giant Malaysian shrimp (Macrobrachium rosembergii) in semi-natural ponds with the main species tilapia was evaluated, the project was developed during the months between July 2015 and January 2016 in the village of Congoy (07 ° 48'29.22 "S 78 ° 27'22.93" W) which is located in the province of Otuzco- La libertad,, for tilapia boasts one pond of 105m2 was used for the pre-cría shrimp of 95m2 and the fattening of 200m2, the pre-breeding of both species was for a period of 30 days and 185 days fattening, planting density for fattening in the case of tilapia was 4 fish/m2 and shrimp 2 ind/m2; with respect to food was used 500 kg of extruded food brand Purina, the feed rate at baseline was 7% was subsequently decreasing to 1% in the last month of cultivation; the average length was tilapia 21,36 cm and 183,42 g. and shrimp 9,2 g, 12,6 cm
In this research the polyculture of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) And giant Malaysian shrimp (Macrobrachium rosembergii) in semi-natural ponds with the main species tilapia was evaluated, the project was developed during the months between July 2015 and January 2016 in the village of Congoy (07 ° 48'29.22 "S 78 ° 27'22.93" W) which is located in the province of Otuzco- La libertad,, for tilapia boasts one pond of 105m2 was used for the pre-cría shrimp of 95m2 and the fattening of 200m2, the pre-breeding of both species was for a period of 30 days and 185 days fattening, planting density for fattening in the case of tilapia was 4 fish/m2 and shrimp 2 ind/m2; with respect to food was used 500 kg of extruded food brand Purina, the feed rate at baseline was 7% was subsequently decreasing to 1% in the last month of cultivation; the average length was tilapia 21,36 cm and 183,42 g. and shrimp 9,2 g, 12,6 cm
Oreochromis sp, Macrobrachium rosemberguii, policultivo