“Nuevo profesional para nueva sociedad” Perfil del egresado basado en competencias de una Escuela Profesional de Enfermería-Universidad de Tarapoto
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La investigación estuvo orientada a determinar la relación entre competencias y desempeño de los egresados de una universidad pública, para fundamentar la construcción de un nuevo perfil basado en competencias. La metodología fue de tipo descriptiva y de corte transversal. La muestra se constituyó por 234 egresados y 28 las instituciones más representativas del sector salud en la Región San Martín que confirmaron el grupo de interés. Los instrumentos empleados fueron dos cuestionarios, los cuales contaron con 20 enunciados cada uno. Los resultados encontrados evidencian que las competencias de los egresados son buenas en 73% y el desempeño regular en 75%, asimismo, se comprobó que existe relación significativa, la misma que es positiva moderada entre ambas variables. Tales hallazgos dieron sustento a la necesidad de fortalecer el perfil de egreso existente a fin que la formación de los futuros profesionales de enfermería responda a las exigencias y necesidades del mundo laboral, por lo que en la presente se propone un perfil de egreso basado en las tres competencias.
The research was aimed at determining the relationship between competencies and performance of graduates from a public university, to support the construction of a new competency-based profile. The methodology was descriptive and cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 234 graduates and 28 of the most representative institutions of the health sector in the San Martín Region that confirmed the interest group. The instruments used were two questionnaires, each with 20 statements. The results found show that the competencies of the graduates are good in 73% and the performance is average in 75%. Likewise, it was proven that there is a significant relationship, which is moderately positive, between both variables. These findings supported the need to strengthen the existing graduate profile so that the training of future nursing professionals responds to the demands and needs of the labor world, which is why a graduate profile based on the three competencies is proposed in this study.
The research was aimed at determining the relationship between competencies and performance of graduates from a public university, to support the construction of a new competency-based profile. The methodology was descriptive and cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 234 graduates and 28 of the most representative institutions of the health sector in the San Martín Region that confirmed the interest group. The instruments used were two questionnaires, each with 20 statements. The results found show that the competencies of the graduates are good in 73% and the performance is average in 75%. Likewise, it was proven that there is a significant relationship, which is moderately positive, between both variables. These findings supported the need to strengthen the existing graduate profile so that the training of future nursing professionals responds to the demands and needs of the labor world, which is why a graduate profile based on the three competencies is proposed in this study.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History