Mejoramiento de la quebrada Honda mediante descolmatación y reforzamiento del talud para protección del canal lateral 10 de Chavimochic frente a un eventual fenómeno El Niño
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Los ríos del Perú se caracterizan por ser torrentosos y sus máximas avenidas ocurren entre los meses de enero a marzo. En los años de 1983 y 1998, el Fenómeno El Niño trajo consigo caudales producidos por las precipitaciones extraordinarias que sólo ocurren en las quebradas secas cuando se presenta el fenómeno El Niño en la costa peruana. Actualmente, ante la probable presencia de dicho fenómeno en la costa peruana, se vienen ejecutando una serie de actividades en el marco del Decreto Supremo N° 045-2015-PCM, en el cual se encuentra considerado los distritos de Chao y Virú, en cuyo ámbito está la quebrada Honda, que tiene un cauce que desemboca directamente al mar en las inmediaciones del poblado de Puerto Morín. El presente estudio, tuvo como objetivo principal proteger el canal lateral 10 del proyecto especial Chavimochic, cultivos aledaños y mantener el tránsito de la carretera panamericana norte en el km 534; usando las precipitaciones máximas anuales en 24 horas en la generación de caudales máximos y herramientas estadísticas para análisis de información pluviométrica. Los resultados obtenidos en el modelamiento y simulación del cauce de la Quebrada Honda aguas abajo, nos muestra que para un periodo de retorno de 100 años obtendríamos un caudal de 10.7 m³/s y se correría el diseño en el software River, de esta manera con la ayuda de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG), información hidrográfica y topográfica, se determinó la defensa ribereña, esto se importaría en el AutoCAD civil 3D para obtención de metrados y costos finales del proyecto.
ABSTRACT The rivers of Peru are characterized by being torrential and their maximum avenues occur between the months from January to March. In the years of 1983 and 1998, the phenomenon El Niño brought with it flows produced by the extraordinary precipitations that only occur in the dry ravines when the El Niño phenomenon is presented on the Peruvian coast. Currently, in view of the probable presence of this phenomenon on the Peruvian coast, a series of activities have been carried out under the Supreme Decree n° 045-2015-PCM, in which it is considered the districts of Chao and Virú, in which area is the basin Honda, which has a channel that leads directly to the sea in the vicinity of the town of Puerto Morin. The main objective of this study was to protect the lateral channel 10 of the Chavimochic special project, surrounding crops and to maintain the traffic of the Pan-American highway north at km 534; using the maximum annual rainfall in 24 hours in the generation of maximum flows and statistical tools for rainfall information analysis. The results obtained in the modeling and simulation of the channel of the Quebrada Honda downstream, shows that for a return period of 100 years we would obtain a flow of 10.7 m³ / s and run the design in the River software, in this way with the geographic information systems (GIS) support, hydrographic and topographic information, riparian defense was determined, this would be imported into the Civil 3D AutoCAD to obtain the project's final costs and costs.
ABSTRACT The rivers of Peru are characterized by being torrential and their maximum avenues occur between the months from January to March. In the years of 1983 and 1998, the phenomenon El Niño brought with it flows produced by the extraordinary precipitations that only occur in the dry ravines when the El Niño phenomenon is presented on the Peruvian coast. Currently, in view of the probable presence of this phenomenon on the Peruvian coast, a series of activities have been carried out under the Supreme Decree n° 045-2015-PCM, in which it is considered the districts of Chao and Virú, in which area is the basin Honda, which has a channel that leads directly to the sea in the vicinity of the town of Puerto Morin. The main objective of this study was to protect the lateral channel 10 of the Chavimochic special project, surrounding crops and to maintain the traffic of the Pan-American highway north at km 534; using the maximum annual rainfall in 24 hours in the generation of maximum flows and statistical tools for rainfall information analysis. The results obtained in the modeling and simulation of the channel of the Quebrada Honda downstream, shows that for a return period of 100 years we would obtain a flow of 10.7 m³ / s and run the design in the River software, in this way with the geographic information systems (GIS) support, hydrographic and topographic information, riparian defense was determined, this would be imported into the Civil 3D AutoCAD to obtain the project's final costs and costs.
Periodo de retorno, Modelo hidrológico, Pluviométrica, Modelo hidráulico, SIG