Relación entre satisfacción y desempeño laboral en el profesional de enfermería de la Clínica San Pablo
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación de tipo descriptivo, cuantitativo, correlacional, transversal tiene
como objetivo determinar la relación entre el nivel de satisfacción y desempeño laboral de
los profesionales de enfermería de la Clínica San Pablo, Trujillo. La muestra estuvo
conformada por 23 enfermeras que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión, los instrumentos
que se aplicaron fueron el Cuestionario para medir satisfacción laboral y el Cuestionario
para medir desempeño laboral. Los datos obtenidos se procesaron en una base de datos
Excel y en el software SPSS versión 26, los resultados se reportaron en tablas estadísticas.
En el análisis estadístico se emplearon las pruebas de correlación paramétrica de Pearson y
la prueba no paramétrica de spearman. Se obtuvo como resultados, que el 83.3% de
enfermeras tienen satisfacción laboral de nivel regular y el 16.7% bueno; respecto al
desempeño laboral, el 76.7% de enfermeras presenta un nivel bueno y el 23.3% nivel
regular. Concluyendo que la satisfacción laboral se relaciona de manera directa y altamente
significativa con el desempeño laboral de las enfermeras de la Clínica San Pablo, 2022.
The aim of this descriptive, quantitative, correlational, cross-sectional research is to determine the relationship between the satisfaction level and job performance on nursing professionals at San Pablo Clinic. The sample were 23 nurses who met the inclusion criteria, the instruments applied were the Questionnaire to measure job satisfaction and the Questionnaire to measure job performance. The data obtained was processed in an Excel database and in the SPSS software 26 version, the results were reported in statistical tables. In the statistical analysis, Pearson's parametric connection tests and Spearman's nonparametric test were used. The results obtained were that 83.3% of the nurses have job satisfaction at a regular level and 16.7% at good level; regarding job performance, 76.7% of nurses have a good level and 23.3% a regular level. Concluding that job satisfaction is directly and highly significantly related to the job performance of nurses at San Pablo Clinic, 2022.
The aim of this descriptive, quantitative, correlational, cross-sectional research is to determine the relationship between the satisfaction level and job performance on nursing professionals at San Pablo Clinic. The sample were 23 nurses who met the inclusion criteria, the instruments applied were the Questionnaire to measure job satisfaction and the Questionnaire to measure job performance. The data obtained was processed in an Excel database and in the SPSS software 26 version, the results were reported in statistical tables. In the statistical analysis, Pearson's parametric connection tests and Spearman's nonparametric test were used. The results obtained were that 83.3% of the nurses have job satisfaction at a regular level and 16.7% at good level; regarding job performance, 76.7% of nurses have a good level and 23.3% a regular level. Concluding that job satisfaction is directly and highly significantly related to the job performance of nurses at San Pablo Clinic, 2022.