Valor diagnóstico de gammaglutamil-transferasa y fosfatasa alcalina como predictor de coledocolitiasis secundaria a colelitiasis
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Determinar el valor diagnóstico de la gammaglutamil-transferasa (GGT) y la fosfatasa alcalina (FA) como predictores de coledocolitiasis secundaria a colelitiasis.
Material y métodos: Se llevó a cabo una investigación observacional, analítica y una cohorte retrospectiva en el Hospital Víctor Lazarte Echegaray. Se revisaron 292 historias clínicas, seleccionando 246 (56 expuestos, 190 no expuestos). Se construyó una Curva ROC, se calcularon índices clínicos y se mantuvo la confidencialidad según principios éticos. Los datos fueron procesados con Microsoft Excel y software estadístico.
Resultados: Se analizaron 246 historias del periodo 2018-2021; la edad promedio de los pacientes con coledocolitiasis fue de 44 años, con predominio femenino (53%). La Curva ROC reveló para FA un área de 0.974 (punto de corte: 454 U/L) y para GGT un área de 0.931 (punto de corte: 136.5 U/L). Las tablas cruzadas indicaron rendimiento diagnóstico. En el caso de FA, la sensibilidad fue del 96.43%, y la especificidad del 92.11%. En cuanto a GGT, se observó una sensibilidad del 91.07% y una especificidad del 82.63%. Las razones de verosimilitud indicaron que la probabilidad de obtener un resultado positivo con FA >= 454 era 12.21 veces mayor en pacientes con coledocolitiasis, mientras que un resultado negativo era 25 veces más frecuente en aquellos sin la enfermedad. Para GGT >= 136.5, la probabilidad de un resultado positivo fue 5.24 veces mayor en pacientes con coledocolitiasis, y un resultado negativo fue 9 veces más frecuente en individuos sin la condición.
Conclusión: Se determino el valor diagnóstico de la GGT y FA como predictores de coledocolitiasis secundaria a colelitiasis, respaldando su eficacia en la identificación de esta complicación asociada, según lo demostrado por las áreas bajo la Curva ROC (0.974 para FA y 0.931 para GGT). Estos hallazgos subrayan la relevancia clínica de establecer puntos de corte específicos (454 U/L para FA y 136.5 U/L para GGT) como umbrales clave en el abordaje diagnóstico de pacientes con colelitiasis.
Abstract To determine the diagnostic value of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) as predictors of secondary choledocholithiasis to cholelithiasis. Materials and Methods: An observational, analytical, retrospective cohort study was conducted at the Víctor Lazarte Echegaray Hospital. A total of 292 medical records were reviewed, selecting 246 (56 exposed, 190 unexposed). A ROC curve was constructed, clinical indices were calculated, and confidentiality was maintained according to ethical principles. Data were processed using Microsoft Excel and statistical software. Results: A total of 246 medical records from the period 2018-2021 were analyzed; the average age of patients with choledocholithiasis was 44 years, with a female predominance (53%). The ROC curve revealed an area of 0.974 for ALP (cut-off point: 454 U/L) and 0.931 for GGT (cut-off point: 136.5 U/L). Cross-tabulations indicated diagnostic performance. In the case of ALP, the sensitivity was 96.43%, and specificity was 92.11%. As for GGT, a sensitivity of 91.07% and specificity of 82.63% were observed. Likelihood ratios indicated that the probability of a positive result with ALP >= 454 was 12.21 times higher in patients with choledocholithiasis, while a negative result was 25 times more frequent in those without the condition. For GGT >= 136.5, the probability of a positive result was 5.24 times higher in patients with choledocholithiasis, and a negative result was 9 times more frequent in individuals without the condition. Conclusion: The diagnostic value of GGT and ALP as predictors of secondary choledocholithiasis to cholelithiasis was determined, supporting their effectiveness in identifying this associated complication, as demonstrated by the areas under the ROC curve (0.974 for ALP and 0.931 for GGT). These findings underscore the clinical relevance of establishing specific cut-off points (454 U/L for ALP and 136.5 U/L for GGT) as key thresholds in the diagnostic approach to patients with cholelithiasis.
Abstract To determine the diagnostic value of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) as predictors of secondary choledocholithiasis to cholelithiasis. Materials and Methods: An observational, analytical, retrospective cohort study was conducted at the Víctor Lazarte Echegaray Hospital. A total of 292 medical records were reviewed, selecting 246 (56 exposed, 190 unexposed). A ROC curve was constructed, clinical indices were calculated, and confidentiality was maintained according to ethical principles. Data were processed using Microsoft Excel and statistical software. Results: A total of 246 medical records from the period 2018-2021 were analyzed; the average age of patients with choledocholithiasis was 44 years, with a female predominance (53%). The ROC curve revealed an area of 0.974 for ALP (cut-off point: 454 U/L) and 0.931 for GGT (cut-off point: 136.5 U/L). Cross-tabulations indicated diagnostic performance. In the case of ALP, the sensitivity was 96.43%, and specificity was 92.11%. As for GGT, a sensitivity of 91.07% and specificity of 82.63% were observed. Likelihood ratios indicated that the probability of a positive result with ALP >= 454 was 12.21 times higher in patients with choledocholithiasis, while a negative result was 25 times more frequent in those without the condition. For GGT >= 136.5, the probability of a positive result was 5.24 times higher in patients with choledocholithiasis, and a negative result was 9 times more frequent in individuals without the condition. Conclusion: The diagnostic value of GGT and ALP as predictors of secondary choledocholithiasis to cholelithiasis was determined, supporting their effectiveness in identifying this associated complication, as demonstrated by the areas under the ROC curve (0.974 for ALP and 0.931 for GGT). These findings underscore the clinical relevance of establishing specific cut-off points (454 U/L for ALP and 136.5 U/L for GGT) as key thresholds in the diagnostic approach to patients with cholelithiasis.
Coledocolitiasis, Gammaglutamiltransferasa, Fosfatasa Alcalina