Influencia del porcentaje de reemplazo de escoria de fundición de un geopolímero sobre porcentaje de plomo lixiviado
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar cómo el reemplazo de escoria de fundición
del proceso de ensayo al fuego afecta la concentración de plomo lixiviado en pastas de
geopolímero a base de concreto reciclado. Se aplicaron métodos de caracterización físicoquímica
como también mecánica, incluyendo densidad superficial por dimensiones,
análisis de grupos funcionales mediante FTIR y resistencia a la compresión mediante
ASTM C109. El enfoque utilizado fue explicativo, aplicado y cuantitativo,
implementando un diseño experimental de un solo factor. Se fabricaron 40 pastas de
geopolímero a base de concreto reciclado con una relación agua/cemento de 0.55. Donde,
se variaron los porcentajes de reemplazo de escoria de fundición de 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%
y se aplicó una activación alcalina mediante una solución de NaOH al 3M. Luego de la
conformación se procedió a caracterizar físicamente y mecánicamente. Para finalmente
aplicar caracterizar químicamente en estado pulverizado. Se aplicó el Método 1311,
evaluando la lixiviación a edades de 7 y 28 días. Los resultados revelaron que, a mayores
porcentajes de reemplazo de escoria de fundición, se observaron concentraciones más
altas de plomo lixiviado, contando con niveles a edad de 7 días por encima de los límites
establecidos por los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para aguas que pueden ser
potabilizadas con desinfección convencional. Mientras que a niveles a 28 días se
encontraron concentraciones ligeramente dentro de los límites ECA para aguas que
potabilizadas con tratamiento avanzado. La concentración ideal de plomo lixiviado,
lograda a 28 días con un 5% de reemplazo, fue de 0.011 mg/L. Esto resalta la necesidad
de estrategias específicas para reducir la liberación de plomo en los primeros días de
fraguado y curado, a pesar de cumplir con los estándares a largo plazo.
The aim of this research was to evaluate how the replacement of smelting slag from the fire testing process affects the concentration of leached lead in geopolymer pastes based on recycled concrete. Physical-chemical as well as mechanical characterization methods were applied, including surface density by dimensions, analysis of functional groups using FTIR and compressive strength using ASTM C109. The approach used was explanatory, applied and quantitative, implementing a single-factor experimental design. 40 geopolymer pastes were manufactured based on recycled concrete with a water/cement ratio of 0.55. Where, the smelting slag replacement percentages were varied from 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and alkaline activation was applied using a 3M NaOH solution. After conformation, it was physically and mechanically characterized. To finally apply chemical characterization in a pulverized state. Method 1311 was applied, evaluating leaching at ages of 7 and 28 days. The results revealed that, at higher percentages of smelting slag replacement, higher concentrations of leached lead were observed, with levels at 7 days of age above the limits established by the Environmental Quality Standards (ECA) for waters that can be made drinkable with conventional disinfection. While at levels at 28 days, concentrations were found slightly within the ECA limits for waters that were made drinkable with advanced treatment. The ideal concentration of leached lead, achieved after 28 days with 5% replacement, was 0.011 mg/L. This highlights the need for specific strategies to reduce lead release in the first days of setting and curing, despite meeting long-term standards.
The aim of this research was to evaluate how the replacement of smelting slag from the fire testing process affects the concentration of leached lead in geopolymer pastes based on recycled concrete. Physical-chemical as well as mechanical characterization methods were applied, including surface density by dimensions, analysis of functional groups using FTIR and compressive strength using ASTM C109. The approach used was explanatory, applied and quantitative, implementing a single-factor experimental design. 40 geopolymer pastes were manufactured based on recycled concrete with a water/cement ratio of 0.55. Where, the smelting slag replacement percentages were varied from 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and alkaline activation was applied using a 3M NaOH solution. After conformation, it was physically and mechanically characterized. To finally apply chemical characterization in a pulverized state. Method 1311 was applied, evaluating leaching at ages of 7 and 28 days. The results revealed that, at higher percentages of smelting slag replacement, higher concentrations of leached lead were observed, with levels at 7 days of age above the limits established by the Environmental Quality Standards (ECA) for waters that can be made drinkable with conventional disinfection. While at levels at 28 days, concentrations were found slightly within the ECA limits for waters that were made drinkable with advanced treatment. The ideal concentration of leached lead, achieved after 28 days with 5% replacement, was 0.011 mg/L. This highlights the need for specific strategies to reduce lead release in the first days of setting and curing, despite meeting long-term standards.
TECHNOLOGY::Chemical engineering::Metallurgical process and manufacturing engineering::Metallurgical process engineering