Prevalencia de dengue en pacientes atendidos en la Micro Red Morro Solar, Jaén. Periodo enero 2020 – diciembre 2021.
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la prevalencia de dengue en pacientes atendidos en la Micro Red Morro Solar, Jaén; periodo enero 2020 – diciembre 2021. La población muestral analizada fue de 5364 pacientes sospechosos a dengue, atendidos en 6 establecimientos de la Micro Red Morro Solar durante el periodo de enero 2020 a diciembre 2021, se obtuvo la información de las fichas epidemiológicas de los pacientes atendidos, ingresadas en la base de datos del Área de Epidemiologia y del Laboratorio Referencial de la DISA - Jaén. Los resultados obtenidos fueron de 2196 casos confirmados para dengue (40,94% del total de atendidos), los cuales fueron analizados mediante el método de ELISA observándose que el Antígeno NS1, Anticuerpo IgM y Antígeno/Anticuerpo (NS1/IgM) fueron del 60,38%, 25,54% y 14,08%, respectivamente. De los 2196 casos confirmados se determinó que el 48,68% fue de sexo masculino y 51,32% de sexo femenino, los cuales se distribuyeron según su grupo etareo con 40,21% de los pacientes comprendidos entre los 27 – 59 años, seguido del grupo de 19 – 26 años (7,71%). Con referencia al Subsistema de Vigilancia se determinó que el 68,98% perteneciente a la Vigilancia de Casos como la mayor prevalencia. Se concluyó que de 5364 casos sospechosos según la Base de Datos del Laboratorio Referencial de la DISA Jaén durante el periodo enero 2020 a diciembre 2021, 2196 (40,94%) fueron casos confirmados, analizados mediante método ELISA reportándose el Antígeno NS1 con un total de 1326 (60,38%), el sexo femenino fue el predominante con el 51,32%, el grupo etareo entre los 27 – 59 años con un 40,21% de los pacientes confirmados y con referencia al Subsistema de Vigilancia se determinó que el 68,98% fue para Vigilancia de Casos.
The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of dengue in patients treated at the MorroSolar Micro Network, Jaén; period January 2020 - December 2021. The sample population analyzed was 5,364 patients suspected of dengue, treated in 6 establishments of the MorroSolar Micro Network during the period from January 2020 to December 2021. Information was obtained from the epidemiological records of the patients treated. , entered into the database of the Epidemiology Area and the DISA Reference Laboratory - Jaén. The results obtained were 2196 confirmed cases of dengue (40.94% of the total treated), which were analyzed using the ELISA method, observing that the NS1 Antigen, IgM Antibody and Antigen/Antibody (NS1/IgM) were 60 .38%, 25.54% and 14.08%, respectively. Of the 2196 confirmed cases, it was determined that 48.68% were male and 51.32% were female, which were distributed according to their age group with 40.21% of the patients between 27 and 59 years old. of the 19 – 26 year old group (7.71%). With reference to the Surveillance Subsystem, it was determined that 68.98% belonged to Case Surveillance as the highest prevalence. It was concluded that of 5,364 suspected cases according to the DISA Jaén Reference Laboratory Database during the period January 2020 to December 2021, 2,196 (40.94%) were confirmed cases, analyzed using the ELISA method, reporting the NS1 Antigen with a total of 1326 (60.38%), the female sex was predominant with 51.32%, the age group between 27 - 59 years with 40.21% of confirmed patients and with reference to the Surveillance Subsystem it was determined that 68.98% was for Case Surveillance.
The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of dengue in patients treated at the MorroSolar Micro Network, Jaén; period January 2020 - December 2021. The sample population analyzed was 5,364 patients suspected of dengue, treated in 6 establishments of the MorroSolar Micro Network during the period from January 2020 to December 2021. Information was obtained from the epidemiological records of the patients treated. , entered into the database of the Epidemiology Area and the DISA Reference Laboratory - Jaén. The results obtained were 2196 confirmed cases of dengue (40.94% of the total treated), which were analyzed using the ELISA method, observing that the NS1 Antigen, IgM Antibody and Antigen/Antibody (NS1/IgM) were 60 .38%, 25.54% and 14.08%, respectively. Of the 2196 confirmed cases, it was determined that 48.68% were male and 51.32% were female, which were distributed according to their age group with 40.21% of the patients between 27 and 59 years old. of the 19 – 26 year old group (7.71%). With reference to the Surveillance Subsystem, it was determined that 68.98% belonged to Case Surveillance as the highest prevalence. It was concluded that of 5,364 suspected cases according to the DISA Jaén Reference Laboratory Database during the period January 2020 to December 2021, 2,196 (40.94%) were confirmed cases, analyzed using the ELISA method, reporting the NS1 Antigen with a total of 1326 (60.38%), the female sex was predominant with 51.32%, the age group between 27 - 59 years with 40.21% of confirmed patients and with reference to the Surveillance Subsystem it was determined that 68.98% was for Case Surveillance.
Dengue, Prevalencia, Vigilancia, Antígeno/Anticuerpo