Aprendo en casa: Elaboramos adornos de formas geométricas con material reciclable utilizando módulos de Sonobe
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional titulado “Aprendo en casa: Elaboramos adornos de formas geométricas con material reciclable utilizando módulos de Sonobe” nos ha permitido desarrollar la competencia: Resuelve problemas de forma, movimiento y localización , en la cual está inmersa la geometría que permite a los estudiantes desarrollar y demostrar su creatividad para resolver diversas situaciones cotidianas haciendo uso de material reciclable como el papel les será posible construir un cubo , una pirámide, etc. Vamos a darnos cuenta que utilizando los módulos de Sonobe se genera expectativa e interés de los estudiantes para elaborar estas formas geométricas tridimensionales haciendo uso de sus conocimientos previos de geometría. El contexto actual marcado por la emergencia sanitaria ,la necesidad de aislamiento social y la implementación de la estrategia nacional Aprendo en casa , ha generado en los maestros y estudiantes diversos cambios tanto en el desarrollo de las sesiones de aprendizaje como en las formas de comunicación para favorecer el proceso de aprendizaje y para los estudiantes del primer año ha resultado ser un cambio aún más impactante que para los demás grados del nivel secundaria por el hecho de cambio de nivel y la educación no presencial. Por tales motivos las sesiones de aprendizaje se han diseñado en el marco de una educación a distancia donde el docente cumple igualmente un rol mediador para el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes, brindando la información y los recursos de manera oportuna y pertinente , de tal manera que este pueda interactuar con el material de manera activa mostrando interés y motivación para desarrollar las actividades y presentar las evidencias de aprendizaje que forman parte de su portafolio ; además se ha trabajado considerando las teorías del constructivismo , el aprendizaje significativo , el aprender haciendo y aplicando una evaluación formativa cuyo propósito es mejorar el logro de los aprendizajes que requiere alcanzar el estudiante, además lo que corresponde a la meta cognición y autorreflexión para que haya retroalimentación de parte del estudiante y desarrolle autonomía en el aprendizaje. En este contexto los docentes hemos tenido que atender a las diversas necesidades de los estudiantes, brindando a la vez las oportunidades de acuerdo al logro de desempeños que presenta cada estudiante y así evitar la deserción escolar.
The present professional sufficiency work entitled “Aprendo en Casa”: we make ornaments of geometric shapes with recyclable material using Sonobe modules" has allowed us to develop the competence: Solving problems of form, movement and location, in which the geometry is immersed that allows students to develop and demonstrate their creativity to solve a number of everyday situations using recyclable material such as paper, they will be able to build a cube, a pyramid, etc. We will realize that when using Sonobe modules they generate expectation and interest of students to elaborate these three-dimensional geometric shapes using their previous knowledge of geometry. The current context marked by the health emergency, the need for social isolation and the implementation of the national strategy “Aprendo en Casa”, has generated in teachers and students a number of changes both in the development of learning sessions and in forms of communication to promote the learning process and for students of the first year has turned out to be an even more impactful change than for the other grades of the secondary level by the fact of changing in level and non-face-to-face education. For these reasons, the learning sessions have been designed within the framework of a distance education where the teacher also plays a mediating role in the learning process of students, providing the information and resources in a timely and relevant manner, so that the teacher can interact with the material actively showing interest and motivation to develop the activities and present the learning evidence that is part of his portfolio. In addition, work has been done considering the theories of constructivism, meaningful learning, learning by making and applying a formative assessment whose purpose is to improve the achievement of the learnings that the student requires to achieve. Also, what corresponds to the metacognition and self-reflection so that there is feedback from the student and develops autonomy in learning. In this context, teachers have had to attend to the diverse needs of students, while providing opportunities according to the achievement of each student's performances and thus avoiding dropout.
The present professional sufficiency work entitled “Aprendo en Casa”: we make ornaments of geometric shapes with recyclable material using Sonobe modules" has allowed us to develop the competence: Solving problems of form, movement and location, in which the geometry is immersed that allows students to develop and demonstrate their creativity to solve a number of everyday situations using recyclable material such as paper, they will be able to build a cube, a pyramid, etc. We will realize that when using Sonobe modules they generate expectation and interest of students to elaborate these three-dimensional geometric shapes using their previous knowledge of geometry. The current context marked by the health emergency, the need for social isolation and the implementation of the national strategy “Aprendo en Casa”, has generated in teachers and students a number of changes both in the development of learning sessions and in forms of communication to promote the learning process and for students of the first year has turned out to be an even more impactful change than for the other grades of the secondary level by the fact of changing in level and non-face-to-face education. For these reasons, the learning sessions have been designed within the framework of a distance education where the teacher also plays a mediating role in the learning process of students, providing the information and resources in a timely and relevant manner, so that the teacher can interact with the material actively showing interest and motivation to develop the activities and present the learning evidence that is part of his portfolio. In addition, work has been done considering the theories of constructivism, meaningful learning, learning by making and applying a formative assessment whose purpose is to improve the achievement of the learnings that the student requires to achieve. Also, what corresponds to the metacognition and self-reflection so that there is feedback from the student and develops autonomy in learning. In this context, teachers have had to attend to the diverse needs of students, while providing opportunities according to the achievement of each student's performances and thus avoiding dropout.
Educación, Educación secundaria, Matemáticas, Geometría