Propuesta del m�todo fractal orientado al dise�o de modelo educativo

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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La investigaci�n sobre: QU� FUNDAMENTOS TE�RICOS SUSTENTAN LA PROPUESTA DEL M�TODO FRACTAL ORIENTADO AL DISE�O DE MODELO EDUCATIVO es de tipo b�sico te�rico de nivel diagn�stico. Tuvo como objetivos establecer que fundamentos te�ricos sustentan el m�todo fractal tales como: cinco m�todos l�gicos: deductivo, sint�tico, anal�tico y dial�ctico; el m�todo sistem�tico, fenomenol�gico y hol�stico. Para ello se utiliz� la geometr�a fractal y teor�a de las cuerdas, as� como tambi�n otras teor�as; orientado al dise�o de modelo educativo (MES) que tambi�n est� sustentado a trav�s de los paradigmas educativos; a su vez proponer el m�todo fractal orientado al dise�o de modelo educativo; esquematizar los procesos y estructura del m�todo fractal orientado al dise�o de modelo educativo y proponer un dise�o de modelo educativo. Como poblaci�n se tuvo toda la estructura del sistema educativo del pa�s puesto que existe un modelo educativo nacional que se deriva a nivel regional y luego a nivel local (provincial, distrital, anexos) sin embargo se hace a conocer que la investigaci�n no se aplic� sino se diagnostic� a nivel de teor�a, Involucra toda la estructura del sistema educativo de la UGEL-PATAZ de La regi�n La Libertad que consta de 29 instituciones de nivel inicial; 114 instituciones de nivel primario y 120 instituciones de nivel secundario, con una muestra de 120 instituciones de nivel secundario. Tambi�n se us� como instrumento para recolectar datos: la revisi�n bibliogr�fica, entrevistas personales con docentes de la Facultad de Educaci�n y Ciencias de la Comunicaci�n de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo que han investigado sobre algunas de las variables de esta investigaci�n; por lo tanto, es posible establecer los fundamentos te�ricos que sustentan la propuesta de m�todo fractal orientado al dise�o de modelo educativo.
The research on: WHAT THEORETICAL BASES SUSTAIN THE PROPOSAL OF THE FRACTAL METHOD ORIENTED TO THE DESIGN OF EDUCATIONAL MODEL is of basic theoretical type of diagnostic level. Its objectives were to establish the theoretical foundations that sustain the fractal method such as: five logical methods: deductive, synthetic, analytical and dialectical; the systematic, phenomenological and holistic method. For this, fractal geometry and string theory were used, as well as other theories; oriented to the design of educational model (MES) that is also supported through educational paradigms; at the same time propose the fractal method oriented to the design of educational model; schematize the processes and structure of the fractal method oriented to the design of the educational model and propose an educational model design. As a population, the entire structure of the country's educational system was taken into account since there is a national educational model that is derived at the regional level and then at the local level (provincial, district, annexes). However, it is made known that the research was not applied was diagnosed at the level of theory, Involves the entire structure of the educational system of the UGEL-PATAZ of La Libertad region that consists of 29 institutions of initial level; 114 institutions of primary level and 120 institutions of secondary level, with a sample of 120 institutions of secondary level. It was also used as an instrument to collect data: the literature review, personal interviews with teachers from the Faculty of Education and Communication Sciences of the National University of Trujillo who have investigated some of the variables of this research; therefore, it is possible to establish the theoretical foundations that sustain the proposal of fractal method oriented to the design of educational model.
Educaci�n, Educaci�n secundaria, Matem�ticas, Modelo educativo