Factores Externos y la dificultad en el aprendizaje de las Matem�ticas en Estudiantes de Secundaria
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
�sta investigaci�n tom� como realidad problem�tica el bajo rendimiento acad�mico en el �rea de matem�ticas de los estudiantes de secundaria._x000D_
Teniendo como problema lo siguiente: �Qu� relaci�n existe entre los factores personales, familiares, acad�micos y el grado de dificultad en el aprendizaje de las matem�ticas en estudiantes del 3� a�o de Educaci�n Secundaria de la instituci�n educativa �81003 C�sar Abraham Vallejo Mendoza� de Trujillo - 2016?; considerando as� nuestras variables de estudio: factores personales, familiares, acad�micos (variable independiente); grado de dificultad en el aprendizaje de las matem�ticas (variable dependiente)_x000D_
El objetivo es determinar la relaci�n entre los factores personales, familiares, acad�micos y el grado de dificultad en el aprendizaje de las matem�ticas en estudiantes del 3� a�o de Educaci�n Secundaria de la instituci�n educativa �81003 C�sar Abraham Vallejo Mendoza� de Trujillo - 2016._x000D_
El estudio se llev� acabo con una muestra de 120 estudiantes del tercer a�o de educaci�n secundaria. La investigaci�n de acuerdo a su finalidad es b�sica, y de acuerdo al tipo de contrastaci�n es descriptiva correlacional. Se aplic� un test de factores personales, familiares y acad�micos en relaci�n al grado de dificultad en el aprendizaje de las matem�ticas._x000D_
As� mismo se presentar�n tablas y gr�ficos en las que se mostraran los resultados de una ardua investigaci�n; estos resultados fueron analizados mediante la prueba chi-cuadrado; los cuales a la vez nos han permitido determinar la relaci�n entre los factores, personales, familiares, acad�micos y el grado de dificultad en el aprendizaje de las matem�ticas en estudiantes de secundaria
This research took as a problematic reality the low academic performance in the area of mathematics of secondary students._x000D_
Having as a problem the following: What is the relationship between personal, family and academic factors and the degree of difficulty in the learning of mathematics in students of the 3rd year of Secondary Education of the educational institution "81003 C�sar Abraham Vallejo Mendoza" of Trujillo - 2016; considering our study variables: personal, family, academic factors (independent variable); degree of difficulty in learning mathematics (dependent variable)_x000D_
The objective is to determine the relationship between personal, family, academic factors and the degree of difficulty in the learning of mathematics in students of the 3rd year of Secondary Education of the educational institution "81003 C�sar Abraham Vallejo Mendoza" of Trujillo - 2016._x000D_
The study was carried out with a sample of 120 students in the third year of secondary education. The research according to its purpose is basic, and according to the type of contrast is descriptive correlation. A test of personal, family and academic factors was applied in relation to the degree of difficulty in learning mathematics._x000D_
Likewise tables and graphs will be presented in which the results of an arduous investigation will be shown; these results were analyzed using the chi-square test; which have allowed us to determine the relationship between the factors, personal, family, academic and the degree of difficulty in learning mathematics in high school students.
Ciencias Matem�ticas, Educaci�n Secundaria, Aprender matem�ticas, Educaci�n, Dificultad del aprendizaje de las matem�ticas