Estimación de la diversidad genética en Dicrodon holmbergi (Schmidt, 1957) basado en marcadores moleculares y su implicancia para la conservación
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Rabanal Che Leon, Maria Fernanda
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
En la provincia de Virú, ubicada al sur de la ciudad de Trujillo en la región La Libertad, la
alta actividad agroindustrial ha conducido a la fragmentación y el deterioro del hábitat de los
bosques de algarrobo, afectando, entre otras especies, a Dicrodon holmbergi “cañán de
Virú”, una especie de lagartija endémica de los valles de Virú y Chao con un alto valor
ecológico y cultural. Se analizaron secuencias de 798pb de los los genes mitocondriales
ND4, tRNAHis, tRNASer y tRNALeu para estimar su diversidad genética y evaluar la estructura
poblacional. Los resultados sugieren que la variación genética del marcador utilizado es
moderadamente alta, con múltiples haplotipos que se diferencian entre sí por uno o dos pasos
mutacionales. La red de haplotipos con patrón en forma de estrella es indicativo de que la
población de D. holmbergi se encuentra experimentando un reciente proceso de rápida
expansión poblacional. El análisis de varianza molecular no arrojó evidencia de estructura
genética significativa, pero las cinco localidades sí demostraron ser significativamente
diferentes. No se encontró evidencia que estas diferencias se deban al aislamiento por
distancia. Los resultados de este estudio están dirigidos a contribuir en la propuesta e
implementación de estrategias de conservación para D. holmbergi en la provincia de Virú,
con el objetivo de asegurar la viabilidad de sus poblaciones y su diversidad genética.
In Virú province, located south of Trujillo city, in La Libertad region of Perú, the high agroindustrial activity has led to the fragmentation and deterioration of Prosopis forests, affecting, among other species, the Holmberg's Desert Tegu Dicrodon holmbergi, a species of lizard endemic to the Virú and Chao valleys with a high ecological and cultural value. To estimate their genetic diversity and evaluate the population structure,798bp of the mitochondrial genes ND4, tRNAHis, tRNASer y tRNALeu were analyzed. The results suggest that the genetic variation in this DNA sequence is moderately high, with multiple haplotypes that differ from each other by one or two mutational steps. The haplotype network with a star-shaped pattern is indicative that the population of D. holmbergi is experiencing a rapid recent population expansion. The analysis of molecular variance did not provide evidence of significant genetic structure, but the five localities did prove to be significantly different. No evidence was found that these differences are due to isolation by distance. The results of this study are aimed at contributing to the proposal and implementation of conservation strategies for D. holmbergi in the province of Virú, with the aim of ensuring the viability of its populations and its genetic diversity.
In Virú province, located south of Trujillo city, in La Libertad region of Perú, the high agroindustrial activity has led to the fragmentation and deterioration of Prosopis forests, affecting, among other species, the Holmberg's Desert Tegu Dicrodon holmbergi, a species of lizard endemic to the Virú and Chao valleys with a high ecological and cultural value. To estimate their genetic diversity and evaluate the population structure,798bp of the mitochondrial genes ND4, tRNAHis, tRNASer y tRNALeu were analyzed. The results suggest that the genetic variation in this DNA sequence is moderately high, with multiple haplotypes that differ from each other by one or two mutational steps. The haplotype network with a star-shaped pattern is indicative that the population of D. holmbergi is experiencing a rapid recent population expansion. The analysis of molecular variance did not provide evidence of significant genetic structure, but the five localities did prove to be significantly different. No evidence was found that these differences are due to isolation by distance. The results of this study are aimed at contributing to the proposal and implementation of conservation strategies for D. holmbergi in the province of Virú, with the aim of ensuring the viability of its populations and its genetic diversity.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History