Competencias gerenciales y su relación con la gestión empresarial en las MYPES del rubro ferretero de la provincia de Trujillo, 2021
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de determinar la relación existente
entre las competencias gerenciales de los administradores y la gestión empresarial de las
Mypes del rubro ferretero de la provincia de Trujillo para el año 2021, presentó un diseño
no experimental, descriptiva-transversal, como instrumento de recolección de datos utilizó
al cuestionario, el cual fue validado por el Coeficiente de Alfa de Combrach, donde para el
cuestionario de la variable 1 se obtuvo un índice de 0.9978 puntos y para el cuestionario de
la variable 2 se obtuvo un índice de 0.9959, la muestra de estudio estuvo constituida por 185
Mypes del rubro ferretero de la Provincia de Trujillo para el año 2021, posterior al análisis
de los datos se concluyó que la relación existente entre las competencias gerenciales de los
administradores y la gestión empresarial de las Mypes del rubro ferretero de la provincia de
Trujillo para el año 2021, las cual alcanzó una correlación de Spearman de positiva muy alta,
lo que explica la capacidad de las competencias gerenciales para modificar la gestión
empresarial de las instituciones en estudio.
The present investigation was exhibited with the objective of determining the relationship between the managerial competences of the administrators and the business management of the Mypes of the hardware sector of the province of Trujillo for the year 2021, it presented a non-experimental, descriptive-transversal design, as a data collection instrument produced to the questionnaire, which was validated by the Combrach Alpha Coefficient, where for the questionnaire of variable 1 an index of 0.9978 points was obtained and for the questionnaire of variable 2 an index of 0.9959, the study sample consisted of 185 Mypes of the hardware sector of the Province of Trujillo for the year 2021, after the analysis of the data it was concluded that the relationship between the managerial skills of the administrators and the business management of the Mypes of the hardware sector of the province of Trujillo for the year 2021, which achieved a coincidence of Spearman of very high positive, which explains the ability of managerial skills to modify the business management of the institutions under study.
The present investigation was exhibited with the objective of determining the relationship between the managerial competences of the administrators and the business management of the Mypes of the hardware sector of the province of Trujillo for the year 2021, it presented a non-experimental, descriptive-transversal design, as a data collection instrument produced to the questionnaire, which was validated by the Combrach Alpha Coefficient, where for the questionnaire of variable 1 an index of 0.9978 points was obtained and for the questionnaire of variable 2 an index of 0.9959, the study sample consisted of 185 Mypes of the hardware sector of the Province of Trujillo for the year 2021, after the analysis of the data it was concluded that the relationship between the managerial skills of the administrators and the business management of the Mypes of the hardware sector of the province of Trujillo for the year 2021, which achieved a coincidence of Spearman of very high positive, which explains the ability of managerial skills to modify the business management of the institutions under study.
Competencias, Competencias gerenciales, Gestión empresarial, Rubro ferretero