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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó con el objetivo de verificar el efecto de la lisozima, como promotor de crecimiento no antibiótico, en gallinas ponedoras de la línea genética Lohmann Brown entre la 29 a las 32 semanas de edad. Se evaluaron un total de 252 aves en un sistema de crianza en jaula, distribuyéndolas en forma aleatoria para un tratamiento y un testigo, con 18 repeticiones cada uno. Se empleó el análisis estadístico de bloques completamente al azar (DCA), ANOVA (p< 0.05). Los tratamientos fueron: T0: Tratamiento Testigo, con una alimentación propia de Postura I formulada en la granja; T1: Dieta experimental con dosis de lisozima al 10% purificada, como promotor de crecimiento no antibiótico a razón de 80 gr por tonelada de alimento. Los resultados mostraron que aquellas aves que recibieron la dieta con lisozima aumentaron 2.18% en consumo, 0.56% en peso corporal, 0.36% en porcentaje de producción, 4.5% en número de huevos por ave alojada, 0.23% en peso de huevo, 3.1% en huevos rosados y 0.51% en huevos blancos, respecto a aquellas aves que fueron utilizadas como testigo. Pero a su vez, disminuyeron un 0.29% en huevos sucios y 0.62% en huevos topados en comparación con el testigo. En los análisis de laboratorio realizados se obtuvo que aquellas aves que recibieron la dieta con lisozima aumentaron 0.05% en altura de albumen, 0.001% en índice de yema, 0.047% en resistencia a la ruptura y 0.11% en coloración de yema respecto a aquellas aves que fueron utilizadas como testigo. Los resultados mostraron que las aves que recibieron la dieta con lisozima lograron resultados más eficientes en el campo.
ABSTRACT This research was conducted in order to evaluate the effects of the lysosome as a non-antibiotic growth promoter in laying hens of the Lohmann Brown genetic line, between 29 to 32 weeks of age. A total of 252 birds were evaluated in a cage rearing system, randomly distributed for one treatment and one control each, with 18 repetitions each. The statistical analysis of blocks completely randomized (DCA), ANOVA (p< 0.05) was used. The treatments were: T0: Control Treatment, with an own feeding of Posture I formulated in the farm, T1 Experimental diet with dose of lysozyme to 10% purified, as promoter of non- antibiotic growth at a rate of 80 gr per ton of food. The results showed that those birds that received the diet with lysozyme increased 2.18% in consumption, 0.56% in body weight, 0.36% in production percentage, 4.5% in number of eggs per bird housed, 0.23% in egg weight, 3.1% in pink eggs and 0.51% in white eggs, with respect to those birds that were used as a control. But at the same time they decreased 0.29% in dirty eggs and 0.62% in eggs in comparison with the control. In the laboratory analyzes carried out, it was obtained that those birds that received the diet with lysozyme increased 0.05% in albumen height, 0.001% in yolk index, 0.047% in rupture resistance and 0.11% in yolk coloration with respect to those birds that were used as control. The results showed that the birds that received the diet with lysozyme achieved more efficient results.
ABSTRACT This research was conducted in order to evaluate the effects of the lysosome as a non-antibiotic growth promoter in laying hens of the Lohmann Brown genetic line, between 29 to 32 weeks of age. A total of 252 birds were evaluated in a cage rearing system, randomly distributed for one treatment and one control each, with 18 repetitions each. The statistical analysis of blocks completely randomized (DCA), ANOVA (p< 0.05) was used. The treatments were: T0: Control Treatment, with an own feeding of Posture I formulated in the farm, T1 Experimental diet with dose of lysozyme to 10% purified, as promoter of non- antibiotic growth at a rate of 80 gr per ton of food. The results showed that those birds that received the diet with lysozyme increased 2.18% in consumption, 0.56% in body weight, 0.36% in production percentage, 4.5% in number of eggs per bird housed, 0.23% in egg weight, 3.1% in pink eggs and 0.51% in white eggs, with respect to those birds that were used as a control. But at the same time they decreased 0.29% in dirty eggs and 0.62% in eggs in comparison with the control. In the laboratory analyzes carried out, it was obtained that those birds that received the diet with lysozyme increased 0.05% in albumen height, 0.001% in yolk index, 0.047% in rupture resistance and 0.11% in yolk coloration with respect to those birds that were used as control. The results showed that the birds that received the diet with lysozyme achieved more efficient results.
Lisozima, Parámetros productivos, Calidad de huevo, Gallinas ponedoras