Estrategias de comunicación digital y participación de la comunidad del Club Carlos A. Mannucci, Trujillo-2021
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar si existe relación entre las estrategias de comunicación digital y la participación de la comunidad del Club Carlos A. Mannucci, Trujillo-2021. La investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, alcance correlacional, propósito aplicado y de diseño no experimental-transversal. Se usó como instrumento dos cuestionarios aplicados a 385 miembros del Club Carlos A. Mannucci, Trujillo-2021. Teniendo como resultado un nivel de significancia de la prueba Chi-Cuadrado es de 0.00 que al ser menor a 0.05, se procede a rechazó la hipótesis nula, es decir, se acepta la hipótesis alterna. Concluyendo que hay evidencia estadística para afirmar que existe relación entre las estrategias de comunicación digital y la participación de la comunidad del Club Carlos A. Mannucci, Trujillo-2021.
The objective of this investigation was to determine if there is a relationship between digital communication strategies and the participation of the Del Club Carlos A. Mannucci community, Trujillo-2021. The research has a quantitative approach, correlational scope, applied purpose and not experimental-transversal design. Two questionnaires applied to 385 members of the Carlos A. Mannucci Club, Trujillo-2021, were used as an instrument. Resulting in a significance level of the Chi-Square test of 0.00, which, being less than 0.05, proceeds to reject the null hypothesis, that is, the alternate hypothesis is accepted. Concluding that there is statistical evidence to affirm that there is a relationship between digital communication strategies and the participation of the community of the Carlos A. Mannucci Club, Trujillo-2021.
The objective of this investigation was to determine if there is a relationship between digital communication strategies and the participation of the Del Club Carlos A. Mannucci community, Trujillo-2021. The research has a quantitative approach, correlational scope, applied purpose and not experimental-transversal design. Two questionnaires applied to 385 members of the Carlos A. Mannucci Club, Trujillo-2021, were used as an instrument. Resulting in a significance level of the Chi-Square test of 0.00, which, being less than 0.05, proceeds to reject the null hypothesis, that is, the alternate hypothesis is accepted. Concluding that there is statistical evidence to affirm that there is a relationship between digital communication strategies and the participation of the community of the Carlos A. Mannucci Club, Trujillo-2021.
Comunicación, Ciencias de la comunicación, Estrategia, Comunicación interactiva, Participación comunitaria