Modelo predictivo de costo unitario mediante machine learning para optimizar parámetros de acarreo de mineral en una mina subterránea, Pataz
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Polo Salinas, Junior
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo aplicar un modelo predictivo de costo unitario
mediante técnicas de machine learning para optimizar los parámetros de acarreo de mineral en
una mina subterránea en Pataz 2024. La metodología empleada fue de diseño no experimental,
descriptiva transversal, con un enfoque aplicativo; se utilizó 7 modelos matemáticos de
machine learning. La validación de instrumentos se realizó mediante el coeficiente de Holti
(0.83) indicando una fiabilidad muy buena. La prueba de hipótesis se realizó mediante la
prueba T, la cual obtuvo una significancia estadística menor a 0.01 (p<0.01) aceptando la
hipótesis de investigación (alterna).
Los resultados indicaron que el consumo y costo total de combustible tuvieron mayor
correlación con el costo unitario de acarreo, con valores de 0.83 y 0.85, respectivamente. De
los 7 modelos utilizados, XGBoost fue el más preciso con R2 de 0.99, seguido por Random
Forest y Árbol de decisión con R2 de 0.97 y 0.96, respectivamente. Así mismo los modelos que
tuvieron menor precisión fueron Regresión bayesiana y Regresión de vectores de soporte con
R2 de 0.88 y 0.80, respectivamente. Se realizaron 10 escenarios con variaciones en los
diferentes parámetros operativos que influyen en el costo unitario de acarreo, la cual el más
bajo fue el escenario 2 con un valor 21.15 USD/h.
Se llego a la conclusión que un menor costo unitario de acarreo se logra reduciendo el
consumo de combustible, las horas de mantenimiento mecánicas y neumáticas, mantener la
velocidad de acarreo y aumentar el número de viajes.
The objective of this research was to apply a unit cost predictive model using machine learning techniques to optimize the haulage parameters of mineral in an underground mine in Pataz in 2024. The methodology employed was a non-experimental, cross-sectional descriptive design with an applicative focus. Seven mathematical machine learning models were used. The validation of instruments was conducted using the Holti coefficient (0.83), indicating very good reliability. The hypothesis test was performed using the T-test, which yielded a statistical significance of less than 0.01 (p<0.01), accepting the research hypothesis (alternate). The results indicated that total fuel consumption and total fuel cost had the highest correlation with the unit cost, with values of 0.83 and 0.85, respectively. Among the seven models used, XGBoost was the most accurate with an R² of 0.99, followed by Random Forest and Decision Tree with R² values of 0.97 and 0.96, respectively. Conversely, the models with the lowest accuracy were Bayesian Regression and Support Vector Regression with R² values of 0.88 and 0.80, respectively. Ten scenarios were created with variations in the different operational parameters that influence unit haulage cost, with the lowest cost being scenario 2, which had a value of 21.15 USD/h. It was concluded that a lower unit cost of haulage can be achieved by reducing fuel consumption, mechanical and pneumatic maintenance hours, maintaining haulage speed, and increasing the number of trips.
The objective of this research was to apply a unit cost predictive model using machine learning techniques to optimize the haulage parameters of mineral in an underground mine in Pataz in 2024. The methodology employed was a non-experimental, cross-sectional descriptive design with an applicative focus. Seven mathematical machine learning models were used. The validation of instruments was conducted using the Holti coefficient (0.83), indicating very good reliability. The hypothesis test was performed using the T-test, which yielded a statistical significance of less than 0.01 (p<0.01), accepting the research hypothesis (alternate). The results indicated that total fuel consumption and total fuel cost had the highest correlation with the unit cost, with values of 0.83 and 0.85, respectively. Among the seven models used, XGBoost was the most accurate with an R² of 0.99, followed by Random Forest and Decision Tree with R² values of 0.97 and 0.96, respectively. Conversely, the models with the lowest accuracy were Bayesian Regression and Support Vector Regression with R² values of 0.88 and 0.80, respectively. Ten scenarios were created with variations in the different operational parameters that influence unit haulage cost, with the lowest cost being scenario 2, which had a value of 21.15 USD/h. It was concluded that a lower unit cost of haulage can be achieved by reducing fuel consumption, mechanical and pneumatic maintenance hours, maintaining haulage speed, and increasing the number of trips.
TECHNOLOGY::Civil engineering and architecture::Geoengineering and mining engineering::Mining engineering