Aplicaciones de la regla de tres simple en situaciones reales
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, consistente en la sustentación de una sesión de aprendizaje denominada “Aplicaciones de la regla de tres simple en situaciones reales” ha sido elaborada para los estudiantes de segundo grado de Educación Secundaria de Educación Básica Regular de la institución educativa “San Nicolás” de Trujillo. Constituye una secuencia pedagógica para potenciar el trabajo de la docente. Como herramienta curricular esta expresada en aprendizajes esperados, los mismos que se traducen en capacidades y competencias propias del área de Matemática, y estos serán evaluados tomando en cuenta los parámetros de la Evaluación formativa haciendo uso de diversas técnicas e instrumentos. Se sustenta en diversas fuentes bibliográficas, en teorías constructivistas y humanistas (Teoría del aprendizaje de Piaget, Teoría sociocultural de Vygotsky, Teoría del aprendizaje significativo de Ausubel), los cuatro pilares de la Educación, El Currículo Nacional de la Educación Básica, la Programación Curricular de Educación Secundaria y el contexto donde se desarrollan los estudiantes atendiendo a las necesidades de aprendizaje de los mismos. Y sobre todo se fundamenta en el Enfoque de Resolución de Problemas del área de Matemática, bajo las bases científicas de George Polya, Schoenfeld, Guzmán y otros con la finalidad de lograr aprendizajes significativos y efectivos en los estudiantes, mediante el fortalecimiento de destrezas en el razonamiento abstracto, lógico y matemático, cuyas aplicaciones no sólo se dan en las ciencias y tecnologías sino en toda la vida del individuo.
The present Professional Proficiency Work, that contains a learning session called "Applications of the rule of three simple in real situations" has been prepared for the students belongs to second grade at Secondary Level of Regular Basic Education from "San Nicolás” School of Trujillo. It is a pedagogical sequence in order to enhance the teacher job. As a curricular tool, it is expressed in expected learnings, that means in skill-based learning about Mathematics, and these will be evaluated considering Formative Evaluation parameters and using different techniques and instruments. This work is based on several bibliographical sources, on constructivist and humanist theories (Piaget's learning theory, Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, Ausubel's significant learning theory), the four Education pillars, The National Basic Education Curriculum, Secondary Education Curricular Programming and the context where students grow up according to their learning needs. And specially, it is based on the Problem Solving Approach in the Mathematics field, under the scientific bases of George Polya, Schoenfeld, Guzmán and others in order to achieve significant and effective learning in students, through the strengthening of skills on abstract, logical and mathematical reasoning, whose applications not only happens in science and technology but in the people entire life.
The present Professional Proficiency Work, that contains a learning session called "Applications of the rule of three simple in real situations" has been prepared for the students belongs to second grade at Secondary Level of Regular Basic Education from "San Nicolás” School of Trujillo. It is a pedagogical sequence in order to enhance the teacher job. As a curricular tool, it is expressed in expected learnings, that means in skill-based learning about Mathematics, and these will be evaluated considering Formative Evaluation parameters and using different techniques and instruments. This work is based on several bibliographical sources, on constructivist and humanist theories (Piaget's learning theory, Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, Ausubel's significant learning theory), the four Education pillars, The National Basic Education Curriculum, Secondary Education Curricular Programming and the context where students grow up according to their learning needs. And specially, it is based on the Problem Solving Approach in the Mathematics field, under the scientific bases of George Polya, Schoenfeld, Guzmán and others in order to achieve significant and effective learning in students, through the strengthening of skills on abstract, logical and mathematical reasoning, whose applications not only happens in science and technology but in the people entire life.
Educación, Educación secundaria, Matemáticas