Efecto in vitro del extracto etanólico de hojas de Phyllanthus niruri sobre el crecimiento de Lasiodiplodia theobromae
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Se evaluó el efecto in vitro del extracto etanólico de hojas de Phyllanthus niruri “Chancapiedra” a las concentraciones de 0.5, 1, 2 y 5 mg/L sobre el crecimiento de Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Para esto se utilizó extracto seco obtenido de las hojas de P. niruri mediante la destilación en un rotavapor. Para evaluar el efecto sobre el crecimiento micelial se utilizaron cinco matraces con Agar Sabouraud en los cuales se procedió a diluir el extracto etanólico en cuatro de ellos, se sembró el cultivo de L. theobromae en el centro de cada placa, el matraz cinco se utilizó para el control negativo, empleando solo el cultivo y el Agar Sabouraud, se realizaron seis repeticiones por cada concentración y se llevó a incubación a 24°C por 9 días. La lectura se realizó desde el segundo día hasta el noveno día post-siembra, se midió el radio de crecimiento de cada colonia y se comparó con el radio del crecimiento de las placas control. Para los resultados se utilizó el análisis ANAVA, y se determinó que el extracto etanólico de hojas de P. niruri presenta una disminución en el crecimiento de L. theobromae, siendo la concentración de 5 mg/L la de mayor significancia con un 50.98% de inhibición, considerando así una alternativa natural para reducir o detener el crecimiento de este hongo. Se concluye que el extracto etanólico de las hojas de P. niruri inhibe el crecimiento micelial de L. theobromae, no existe diferencia estadística significativa entre las concentraciones.
The in vitro effect of the ethanolic extract of Phyllanthus niruri "Chancapiedra" leaves at concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 mg/L on the growth of Lasiodiplodia theobromae was evaluated. For this purpose, dry extract obtained from the leaves of P. niruri by distillation at a rotary evaporator was used. To evaluate the effect on mycelial growth, five flasks with Sabouraud Agar were used in which the ethanolic extract was diluted in four of them, the culture of L. theobromae was sown in the center of each plate, flask five was used for the negative control, using only the culture and Sabouraud Agar, six replicates were made for each concentration and incubation was carried out at 24°C for 9 days. Readings were taken from the second day to the ninth day post-sowing, the growth radius of each colony was measured and compared with the growth radius of the control plates. ANAVA analysis was used for the results, and it was determined that the ethanolic extract of P. niruri leaves showed a decrease in the growth of L. theobromae, being the concentration of 5 mg/L the most significant with 50.98% inhibition, thus considering it a natural alternative to reduce or stop the growth of this fungus. It is concluded that the ethanolic extract of P. niruri leaves inhibits the mycelial growth of L. theobromae, there is no significant statistical difference between concentrations.
The in vitro effect of the ethanolic extract of Phyllanthus niruri "Chancapiedra" leaves at concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 mg/L on the growth of Lasiodiplodia theobromae was evaluated. For this purpose, dry extract obtained from the leaves of P. niruri by distillation at a rotary evaporator was used. To evaluate the effect on mycelial growth, five flasks with Sabouraud Agar were used in which the ethanolic extract was diluted in four of them, the culture of L. theobromae was sown in the center of each plate, flask five was used for the negative control, using only the culture and Sabouraud Agar, six replicates were made for each concentration and incubation was carried out at 24°C for 9 days. Readings were taken from the second day to the ninth day post-sowing, the growth radius of each colony was measured and compared with the growth radius of the control plates. ANAVA analysis was used for the results, and it was determined that the ethanolic extract of P. niruri leaves showed a decrease in the growth of L. theobromae, being the concentration of 5 mg/L the most significant with 50.98% inhibition, thus considering it a natural alternative to reduce or stop the growth of this fungus. It is concluded that the ethanolic extract of P. niruri leaves inhibits the mycelial growth of L. theobromae, there is no significant statistical difference between concentrations.
extracto etanólico, Phyllanthus niruri, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, concentración.