Efecto de niveles y modos de aplicación de cadáveres de Galleria mellonella (Lep.Pyralidae) para el mejor desplazamiento y sobrevivencia de Heterorhabditis spp en suelo con plantación de arándano Var. Biloxi en Chao – La Libertad
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Los Nematodos Entomopatógenos (NEP) son patógenos obligados que causan la muerte de los insectos con la ayuda de bacterias simbióticas que llevan en sus intestinos. Los nematodos entomopatógenos se han utilizado con gran éxito como agentes para la supresión de plagas que llevan todo su ciclo o parte de este en el suelo. En este experimento se han enterrado cadáveres de larvas de Galleria mellonella (Lep. Pyralidae), estas larvas han muerto por estar infectadas con nematodos entomopatógenos del genero Heterorhabditis, en un campo de arándano var. Biloxi con la finalidad de determinar a qué distancia y profundidad se movilizan; también para saber si sobreviven durante el tiempo de experimentación. Se enterraron los cadáveres de Galleria mellonella en cantidades de 1, 2 y 3 larvas en cada planta y en forma alternada en el suelo. En total se evaluaron 6 tratamientos y un testigo sin aplicación en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con confiabilidad de 0.05 %. El muestreo se hizo por cuatro meses, el primero fue a los 30 días, luego a los 60 y el ultimo a los 120 días después de la primera aplicación. Los resultados obtenidos indican que en todos los tratamientos los nematodos entomopatógenos del género Heterorhabditis se desplazaron en forma horizontal hasta 65 cm y 40 cm de profundidad. En relación a la sobrevivencia en el suelo, se encontraron Heterorhabditis hasta los 120 días de evaluación. La mayor cantidad de nematodos se detectó en el tratamiento donde se aplicaron 3cadáveres de G. mellonella por planta de arándano.
ABSTRACT Nematodes Entomopathogens (NEP) are obligate pathogens that kill insects with the help of symbiotic bacteria in their guts out. The entomopathogenic nematodes have been used to kill pests that live in the soil. The nematodes were applied to the soil via pressurized irrigation system, but in this experiment i have buried larvae of Galleria mellonella (Lep. Pyralidae) infected with this nematode in a field of blueberry var. Biloxi in the district of Chao in order to know to what distance and depth are mobilized and how long they can survive in soil with one application of these. Corpses were applied in all plants and alternately in different amounts of 1, 2 and 3 larvae. I used 6 treatments and a control without application design randomized complete block with reliability of 0.05 were evaluated. The sampling was done for three months, the first was at 30 days, then 60 and finally at 120 days after the first application. Most nematodes were detected at 60 days where three bodies were applied blueberry plant. At 60 days I got as much of nematodes in the soil then the population declines are obtained. The best treatment is to apply 3 bodies of G.mellonella for more nematodes for 120 days. The maximum displacement of Heterorhabditis spp.
ABSTRACT Nematodes Entomopathogens (NEP) are obligate pathogens that kill insects with the help of symbiotic bacteria in their guts out. The entomopathogenic nematodes have been used to kill pests that live in the soil. The nematodes were applied to the soil via pressurized irrigation system, but in this experiment i have buried larvae of Galleria mellonella (Lep. Pyralidae) infected with this nematode in a field of blueberry var. Biloxi in the district of Chao in order to know to what distance and depth are mobilized and how long they can survive in soil with one application of these. Corpses were applied in all plants and alternately in different amounts of 1, 2 and 3 larvae. I used 6 treatments and a control without application design randomized complete block with reliability of 0.05 were evaluated. The sampling was done for three months, the first was at 30 days, then 60 and finally at 120 days after the first application. Most nematodes were detected at 60 days where three bodies were applied blueberry plant. At 60 days I got as much of nematodes in the soil then the population declines are obtained. The best treatment is to apply 3 bodies of G.mellonella for more nematodes for 120 days. The maximum displacement of Heterorhabditis spp.
Heterorhabditis, Arándano, Galleria mellonella, Sobrevivencia, Desplazamiento