Incertidumbre y prácticas de control en diabetes tipo 2 adultos del servicio de Emergencia. Hospital provincial de Ascope
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación es de tipo descriptiva, correlacional, de corte transversal, aplicada en adultos con diagnóstico de Diabetes Mellitus tipo II atendidos en el servicio de Emergencia del Hospital provincial de Ascope, cuyo objetivo fue establecer la relación entre el nivel de incertidumbre y las prácticas de control de Diabetes Mellitus tipo II. El universo muestral estuvo conformado por 60 pacientes adultos atendidos en el mes de abril del año 2023; a quienes se les aplicó el Cuestionario para determinar el Nivel de Incertidumbre y el Test de prácticas de control en Diabetes Mellitus 2. El procesamiento de los resultados se desarrolló con SPSS versión 25 y fueron organizados en tablas de simple y doble entrada, considerando formas numéricas y porcentuales. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba estadística Gamma. Se concluyó lo siguiente: El nivel de Incertidumbre en adultos con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 fue regular en un 58 por ciento y alto en un 39 por ciento. Las prácticas de control fueron deficientes y adecuadas en un 50 por ciento cada una. Por lo cual, Existe relación inversa altamente significativa entre el nivel de incertidumbre y las prácticas de control en adultos con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (p<0.005). Cuando los adultos con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 tienen un nivel de incertidumbre alto tienen prácticas de control deficientes.
This research is descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, applied to adults diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus treated at the Emergency Service of the Provincial Hospital of Ascope, whose objective was to establish the relationship between the level of uncertainty and type II Diabetes Mellitus control practices. The sample universe consisted of 60 adult patients treated in April 2023; to whom the Questionnaire to determine the Level of Uncertainty and the Control Practices Test in Diabetes Mellitus 2 were applied. The processing of the results was developed with SPSS version 25 and they were organized in single and double entry tables, considering numerical and percentage forms. For statistical analysis, the Gamma statistical test was used. The following was concluded: The level of uncertainty in adults with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was regular in 58 percent and high in 39 percent. Control practices were deficient and adequate in 50 percent each. Therefore, there is a highly significant inverse relationship between the level of uncertainty and control practices in adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (p<0.005). When adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus have a high level of uncertainty, they have poor control practices.
This research is descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, applied to adults diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus treated at the Emergency Service of the Provincial Hospital of Ascope, whose objective was to establish the relationship between the level of uncertainty and type II Diabetes Mellitus control practices. The sample universe consisted of 60 adult patients treated in April 2023; to whom the Questionnaire to determine the Level of Uncertainty and the Control Practices Test in Diabetes Mellitus 2 were applied. The processing of the results was developed with SPSS version 25 and they were organized in single and double entry tables, considering numerical and percentage forms. For statistical analysis, the Gamma statistical test was used. The following was concluded: The level of uncertainty in adults with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was regular in 58 percent and high in 39 percent. Control practices were deficient and adequate in 50 percent each. Therefore, there is a highly significant inverse relationship between the level of uncertainty and control practices in adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (p<0.005). When adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus have a high level of uncertainty, they have poor control practices.
Control de Enfermedades
Diabetes Millitus Tipo 2