Conocimientos y cuidados de enfermería en aspiración de secreciones con circuitos cerrado en pacientes intubados en cuidados intensivos
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente estudio de investigación empleó un diseño cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal, descriptivo y correlacional, que tuvo como objetivo establecer la relación entre el nivel de conocimiento y los cuidados de enfermería en la aspiración de secreciones con sistema de circuito cerrado en pacientes intubados que se encuentran en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Regional Docente de Cajamarca. La muestra estuvo conformada por 32 enfermeras, durante la fase de recolección de datos, se emplearon dos herramientas: un cuestionario y una guía observacional validado por juicios de expertos, considerando en todo momento los principios éticos y de rigor. Los resultados fueron: el 56,3% (18) del profesional de enfermería tienen un nivel de conocimiento regular, el 25,0% (8) tiene conocimiento bueno y el 18,8% (6) conocimiento bajo; en cuanto, los cuidados se observan que, el 81,8% (26) el profesional de enfermería mostró un nivel de adecuado y el 18,8% (6) lo hace de manera inadecuada. En conclusión, si se adquiere conocimientos los cuidados de enfermería se realizan de manera adecuada. Estos datos, han sido estadísticamente significativos de 0,05 lo que indica un 95% de confiabilidad
The present research study employed a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational design, with the main objective of establishing the relationship between the level of knowledge and nursing care in the aspiration of secretions with a closed-circuit system in intubated patients in the Intensive Care Unit of the Cajamarca Regional Teaching Hospital (HRDC). The sample consisted of 32 nurses. During the data collection phase, two tools were used: a questionnaire and an observational guide validated by expert judgments, always considering ethical and rigorous principles. The results were as follows: 56.3% (18) of the nursing professionals had a regular level of knowledge, 25.0% (8) had good knowledge, and 18.8% (6) had low knowledge. Regarding care, it was observed that 81.8% (26) of the nursing professionals showed an adequate level of care, while 18.8% (6) did so inadequately. In conclusion, it is affirmed that acquiring knowledge leads to the proper implementation of nursing care. These data have been statistically significant at 0.05, indicating a 95% level of reliability
The present research study employed a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational design, with the main objective of establishing the relationship between the level of knowledge and nursing care in the aspiration of secretions with a closed-circuit system in intubated patients in the Intensive Care Unit of the Cajamarca Regional Teaching Hospital (HRDC). The sample consisted of 32 nurses. During the data collection phase, two tools were used: a questionnaire and an observational guide validated by expert judgments, always considering ethical and rigorous principles. The results were as follows: 56.3% (18) of the nursing professionals had a regular level of knowledge, 25.0% (8) had good knowledge, and 18.8% (6) had low knowledge. Regarding care, it was observed that 81.8% (26) of the nursing professionals showed an adequate level of care, while 18.8% (6) did so inadequately. In conclusion, it is affirmed that acquiring knowledge leads to the proper implementation of nursing care. These data have been statistically significant at 0.05, indicating a 95% level of reliability
Conocimiento, Circuito cerrado
Cuidados de enfermería
Aspiración de secreciones
Unidad de cuidados intensivos