Factores predictores más frecuentes de mortalidad en pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 en el Hospital Belén de Trujillo, enero-julio 2021
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar y estimar los factores predictores más frecuentes de mortalidad en los pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 en el Hospital Belén de Trujillo, enero-julio 2021.
El estudio fue descriptivo, retrospectivo, se analizaron 204 historias clínicas de pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 confirmado, sin embargo, al aplicar los criterios de selección sólo 151 fueron consideradas. La información relevante fue recopilada en una ficha, se crearon las bases de datos en Excel y con SPSS Statistics 27, se obtuvieron frecuencias absolutas y modelos de tendencia central de las variables de interés.
El intervalo de edad más frecuente fue entre 59 a 68 años y en su mayoría fueron varones, la prueba diagnóstica más usada fue la antigénica que generalmente se tomó el mismo día del ingreso; los pacientes permanecieron hospitalizados en promedio 14,8 ± 14,5 días, 18 ± 16,1 días los sobrevivientes y 10,9 ± 11,2 días los fallecidos. Los predictores de mortalidad identificados fueron leucocitosis en un 45,27 %, dímero D elevado en un 64 %, PCR elevada en un 98,36 % y ferritina elevada en un 98,45 %. El 44,4 % de los pacientes falleció, los cuales presentaron en su mayoría el nivel de PCR elevado (53 de 53 pacientes) y la ferritina elevada (52 de 53 pacientes) siendo mayor de 1000 mg/dL en el 52,8 % de los casos.
Los factores predictores más frecuentes de mortalidad en los pacientes fallecidos fueron los niveles elevados de proteína C reactiva y ferritina sérica.
Esta investigación permitió analizar los factores predictores en los pacientes con COVID-19, sin intervención de otro factor externo a la infección (comorbilidades) que enmascare la alteración de los parámetros laboratoriales lo que puede ser un inicio para la elaboración de nuevas investigaciones.
The aimed of this study was to identify and estimate the most frequent predictors of mortality in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 at the Belén Hospital in Trujillo, January-July 2021. The study was descriptive and retrospective, 204 clinical records of hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 were analyzed. However, when applying the selection criteria, only 151 were considered. The relevant information was collected in a form, databases were created in Excel and, with SPSS Statistics 27, absolute frequencies and central tendency models of the variables of interest were obtained. The most frequent age range was between 59 and 68 years and the majority were men. The most commonly used diagnostic test was the antigenic test, which was generally taken on the same day of admission. Patients remained hospitalized for an average of 14,8 ± 14,5 days, 18 ± 16,1 days for survivors, and 10,9 ± 11,2 days for those who died. The identified predictors of mortality were leukocytosis in 45,27 %, elevated D-dimer in 64 %, elevated CRP in 98,36 % and elevated ferritin in 98,45 %. 44,4 % of patients died, most of whom had elevated CRP levels (53 of 53 patients) and the elevated ferritin (52 of 53 patients) being higher than 1000 mg/dL in the 52,8 % of cases. The most frequent predictors of mortality in deceased patients were the elevated levels of C-reactive protein and serum ferritin. This research allowed us to analyze the predictive factors in patients with COVID-19, without the intervention of another factor external to the infection (comorbidities) that masks the alteration of laboratory parameters, which may be a start for the development of new research.
The aimed of this study was to identify and estimate the most frequent predictors of mortality in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 at the Belén Hospital in Trujillo, January-July 2021. The study was descriptive and retrospective, 204 clinical records of hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 were analyzed. However, when applying the selection criteria, only 151 were considered. The relevant information was collected in a form, databases were created in Excel and, with SPSS Statistics 27, absolute frequencies and central tendency models of the variables of interest were obtained. The most frequent age range was between 59 and 68 years and the majority were men. The most commonly used diagnostic test was the antigenic test, which was generally taken on the same day of admission. Patients remained hospitalized for an average of 14,8 ± 14,5 days, 18 ± 16,1 days for survivors, and 10,9 ± 11,2 days for those who died. The identified predictors of mortality were leukocytosis in 45,27 %, elevated D-dimer in 64 %, elevated CRP in 98,36 % and elevated ferritin in 98,45 %. 44,4 % of patients died, most of whom had elevated CRP levels (53 of 53 patients) and the elevated ferritin (52 of 53 patients) being higher than 1000 mg/dL in the 52,8 % of cases. The most frequent predictors of mortality in deceased patients were the elevated levels of C-reactive protein and serum ferritin. This research allowed us to analyze the predictive factors in patients with COVID-19, without the intervention of another factor external to the infection (comorbidities) that masks the alteration of laboratory parameters, which may be a start for the development of new research.
Coronavirus 2019, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Predictores más frecuentes