Proyecto Arquitectónico para el Terminal Terrestre Interprovincial en la ciudad de Cajabamba, región Cajamarca.
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Dentro de las ciudades, uno de los principales factores para su buen
funcionamiento y desarrollo es la movilidad, por lo cual una correcta planificación
desde su ubicación y programa hará posible que los sistemas de transporte se
lleven a cabo de manera formal y ordenada.
La presente investigación consiste en determinar los requerimientos necesarios
para llevar a cabo el proyecto de “Terminal Terrestre Interprovincial en la ciudad de
Cajabamba, región Cajamarca”, ya que esta ciudad no cuenta con una
infraestructura adecuada para el embarque y desembarque de pasajeros, además
de contar con agencias dispersas en toda la ciudad ocasionando el deterioro de la
imagen urbana.
Esta investigación busca el ordenamiento del sistema de transporte interprovincial,
mediante el análisis de la situación problemática, el contexto mediato e inmediato
y las características de los usuarios. Con estos estudios poder realizar el programa
de necesidades y requerimientos de los usuarios, y finalmente poder elaborar una
propuesta arquitectónica con los ambientes y mobiliarios necesarios, cumpliendo
también con los aspectos de inclusión, sostenibilidad e identidad, logrando de esta
manera repotenciar las actividades económicas y turísticas que se desarrollan en
la ciudad.
Within cities, one of the main factors for their proper functioning and development is mobility, which is why correct planning from its location and program will make it possible for transportation systems to be carried out in a formal and orderly manner. The present investigation consists of determining the necessary requirements to carry out the project of “Interprovincial Land Terminal in the city of Cajabamba, Cajamarca region”, since this city does not have adequate infrastructure for the boarding and disembarking of passengers, in addition to have agencies dispersed throughout the city, causing the deterioration of the urban image. This research seeks to organize the interprovincial transportation system, through the analysis of the problematic situation, the mediate and immediate context and the characteristics of the users. With these studies, we can carry out the program of needs and requirements of the users, and finally be able to develop an architectural proposal with the necessary environments and furniture, also complying with the aspects of inclusion, sustainability and identity, thus achieving reinvigorated economic activities and tourism that takes place in the city.
Within cities, one of the main factors for their proper functioning and development is mobility, which is why correct planning from its location and program will make it possible for transportation systems to be carried out in a formal and orderly manner. The present investigation consists of determining the necessary requirements to carry out the project of “Interprovincial Land Terminal in the city of Cajabamba, Cajamarca region”, since this city does not have adequate infrastructure for the boarding and disembarking of passengers, in addition to have agencies dispersed throughout the city, causing the deterioration of the urban image. This research seeks to organize the interprovincial transportation system, through the analysis of the problematic situation, the mediate and immediate context and the characteristics of the users. With these studies, we can carry out the program of needs and requirements of the users, and finally be able to develop an architectural proposal with the necessary environments and furniture, also complying with the aspects of inclusion, sustainability and identity, thus achieving reinvigorated economic activities and tourism that takes place in the city.
TECHNOLOGY::Civil engineering and architecture::Architecture and architectural conservation and restoration::Architecture