Factores de riesgo psicosocial y bienestar subjetivo de adolescentes de la I.E José María Arguedas, distrito El Porvenir-2019
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación, tiene por objetivo analizar los principales factores de riesgos psicosociales de tipo individual y familiar que influyen en el bienestar subjetivo de los adolescentes de la I.E. José María Arguedas del distrito de El Porvenir. Para ello se contó con una población muestral de 32 adolescentes, cuyas edades oscilan entre 15 a 17 años. La metodología utilizada se basó en los métodos deductivo, inductivo, fenomenológico y estadístico. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de dos instrumentos: ficha de caracterización de los riesgos psicosociales y escala de bienestar subjetivo. Se elaboró los análisis estadísticos a través de porcentajes y frecuencias. Las técnicas empleadas fueron la entrevista a profundidad y revisión documentaria. Entre los hallazgos relevantes se encontró que el factor de riesgo individual afecta en un 62% de los adolescentes participantes de la investigación, al mismo tiempo, el 72% de los adolescentes sufren del factor de riesgo familiar, de la cual, repercuten significativamente en el bienestar subjetivo de los adolescentes siendo expuestos a sufrir los daños o problemas como embarazo precoz, suicidio o abuso de sustancias psico-activas.
ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to analyze the main individual and family psychosocial risk factors that influence the subjective wellbeing of adolescents at the José María Arguedas School in the district of El Porvenir. The sample population consisted of 32 adolescents between 15 and 17 years of age. The methodology used was based on deductive, inductive, phenomenological and statistical methods. Data collection was carried out through two instruments: psychosocial risk characterization form and subjective wellbeing scale. Statistical analyses were elaborated through percentages and frequencies. The techniques used were in-depth interviews and document review. Among the relevant findings, it was found that the individual risk factor affects 62% of the adolescents participating in the research, while 72% of the adolescents suffer from the family risk factor, which has a significant impact on the subjective wellbeing of the adolescents and exposes them to damage or problems such as early pregnancy, suicide or abuse of psychoactive substances.
ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to analyze the main individual and family psychosocial risk factors that influence the subjective wellbeing of adolescents at the José María Arguedas School in the district of El Porvenir. The sample population consisted of 32 adolescents between 15 and 17 years of age. The methodology used was based on deductive, inductive, phenomenological and statistical methods. Data collection was carried out through two instruments: psychosocial risk characterization form and subjective wellbeing scale. Statistical analyses were elaborated through percentages and frequencies. The techniques used were in-depth interviews and document review. Among the relevant findings, it was found that the individual risk factor affects 62% of the adolescents participating in the research, while 72% of the adolescents suffer from the family risk factor, which has a significant impact on the subjective wellbeing of the adolescents and exposes them to damage or problems such as early pregnancy, suicide or abuse of psychoactive substances.
Violencia escolar, Presión de grupos, Violencia intrafamiliar