Resolvemos problemas de dominio y rango de funciones dirigido a estudiantes de cuarto año de educación secundaria
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
A través del presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional denominado “Resolvemos problemas de dominio y rango de funciones dirigido a estudiantes de cuarto año de educación secundaria.” tiene como propósito que en la I.E. San Nicolas de Trujillo, los alumnos desarrollen las capacidades matemáticas mediante la conceptualización y resolución de ejercicios de dominio y rango a través del método gráfico. Como parte de la atención a las necesidades de los estudiantes las sesiones de aprendizaje elaboradas se respaldan en los principios y modelos didácticos y pedagógicos, así mismo están basadas bajo la teoría educacional “Constructivista”, pues se le proporcionará al estudiante las herramientas necesarias para que construya sus propios procedimientos para resolver una situación problemática.
Through the present work of professional proficiency called "We solve cases of domain and range of functions aimed at fourth-year high school students." has the purpose that in the I.E. San Nicolas from Trujillo, students develop mathematical skills through the conceptualization and resolution of domain and range exercises through the graphic method. As part of the attention to the needs of the students, the elaborated learning sessions are supported by the didactic and pedagogical principles and models, they are also based on the "Constructivist" educational theory, since the student will be provided with the necessary tools so that build your own procedures to solve a problematic situation.
Through the present work of professional proficiency called "We solve cases of domain and range of functions aimed at fourth-year high school students." has the purpose that in the I.E. San Nicolas from Trujillo, students develop mathematical skills through the conceptualization and resolution of domain and range exercises through the graphic method. As part of the attention to the needs of the students, the elaborated learning sessions are supported by the didactic and pedagogical principles and models, they are also based on the "Constructivist" educational theory, since the student will be provided with the necessary tools so that build your own procedures to solve a problematic situation.
Educación, Matemáticas, Geometría, Resolución de problemas, Cálculo