Exoneraciones tributarias y su incidencia en la rentabilidad y liquidez de la Universidad San Pedro, 2013-2018
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación ha tenido como propósito determinar la incidencia de las exoneraciones tributarias en la Rentabilidad y Liquidez de la Universidad San Pedro, durante el periodo 2013-2018. Este estudio fue de carácter cuantitativo, de tipo aplicado, descriptivo, correlacional, y ha utilizado el diseño de investigación no experimental longitudinal. La muestra estuvo conformada por los Estados de Situación Financiera y Estado de Resultados de la Universidad San Pedro para los años 2013 al 2018. El instrumento utilizado fue la ficha de análisis documentario. Se emplearon métodos de la estadística descriptiva simple para analizar ambas variables y la estadística inferencial para la correlación, mediante el Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson y el Análisis de Regresión Lineal, por tratarse de variables cuyos datos poseen distribución normal. Los resultados muestran que las exoneraciones tributarias obtenidas por la Universidad San Pedro de Chimbote durante el periodo 2013-2018 tienen una correlación moderada no significativa con la rentabilidad económica y la liquidez acida (r de -0.563 y -0.506, respectivamente, con un p-valor>0.05), y una correlación débil no significativa con la rentabilidad financiera y la liquidez absoluta (r de -0.353 y -0.317, con un p-valor>0.05), sin embargo, se encontró una correlación negativa muy fuerte significativa con la liquidez general (r de -0.943, con un p-valor<0.05), lo que indica que las exoneraciones tributarias no estarían incidiendo en la rentabilidad y la liquidez, a excepción de la liquidez general, puesto que se percibió que a mayores exoneraciones tributarias, menor liquidez general, lo que es contradictorio a la lógica de que mientras menos impuestos se paguen más liquidez se tendrá, por lo que se rechaza la hipótesis de investigación.
The purpose of this research work was to determine the incidence of tax exemptions on the Profitability and Liquidity of Universidad San Pedro, during the period 2013-2018. This study was quantitative, applied, descriptive, correlational, and used a non-experimental longitudinal research design. The sample consisted of the Financial Situation Statements and Income Statement of the San Pedro University for the years 2013 to 2018. The instrument used was the documentary analysis sheet. Methods of simple descriptive statistics were used to analyze both variables and inferential statistics for the determination, through the Pearson Correlation Coefficient and the Linear Regression Analysis, since they are variables, whose data have a normal distribution. The results show that the tax exemptions obtained by the San Pedro de Chimbote University during the 2013-2018 period have a moderate non-significant influence on economic profitability and acid liquidity (r of -0.563 and -0.506, respectively, with a p- value>0.05), and a non-significant weak guarantee with financial profitability and absolute liquidity (r of -0.353 and -0.317, with a p-value>0.05), however, a very strong significant negative correlation was found with the general liquidity (r of -0.943, with a p-value <0.05), which indicates that tax exemptions would not be affecting profitability and liquidity, with the exception of general liquidity, since it was perceived that higher tax exemptions, less general liquidity, which is contradictory to the logic that the less taxes are paid, the more liquidity there will be, so the research hypothesis is rejected.
The purpose of this research work was to determine the incidence of tax exemptions on the Profitability and Liquidity of Universidad San Pedro, during the period 2013-2018. This study was quantitative, applied, descriptive, correlational, and used a non-experimental longitudinal research design. The sample consisted of the Financial Situation Statements and Income Statement of the San Pedro University for the years 2013 to 2018. The instrument used was the documentary analysis sheet. Methods of simple descriptive statistics were used to analyze both variables and inferential statistics for the determination, through the Pearson Correlation Coefficient and the Linear Regression Analysis, since they are variables, whose data have a normal distribution. The results show that the tax exemptions obtained by the San Pedro de Chimbote University during the 2013-2018 period have a moderate non-significant influence on economic profitability and acid liquidity (r of -0.563 and -0.506, respectively, with a p- value>0.05), and a non-significant weak guarantee with financial profitability and absolute liquidity (r of -0.353 and -0.317, with a p-value>0.05), however, a very strong significant negative correlation was found with the general liquidity (r of -0.943, with a p-value <0.05), which indicates that tax exemptions would not be affecting profitability and liquidity, with the exception of general liquidity, since it was perceived that higher tax exemptions, less general liquidity, which is contradictory to the logic that the less taxes are paid, the more liquidity there will be, so the research hypothesis is rejected.
Exoneraciones tributarias, Liquidez, Rentabilidad