Uso del servicio de las fintech y la inclusión financiera de los comerciantes del Mercado Modelo de Chiclayo, 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre el uso del servicio de las fintech y la inclusión financiera de los comerciantes del Mercado Modelo de Chiclayo, 2023. De acuerdo al fin perseguido, se realizó una investigación aplicada, cuyo diseño fue no experimental, descriptivo- correlacional. La población de estudio fueron 3,343 comerciantes, y utilizando la técnica del muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple se obtuvo una muestra de 345 comerciantes; para el recojo de los datos se utilizó la encuesta como técnica y el cuestionario como instrumento, el cual constó de 34 ítems y fue validado por tres expertos en la materia, cuya confiabilidad, empleando el alfa de Cronbach, fue 0,919 indicando un excelente nivel de fiabilidad. A través del coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman, se obtuvo un indicador de 0,483 concluyéndose de que existe una correlación positiva media entre las variables estudio, es decir que el uso del servicio de las fintech influye positivamente en la inclusión financiera de los comerciantes del Mercado Modelo de Chiclayo.
The general objective of this research work was to determine the relationship between the use of the fintech service and the financial inclusion of merchants in the Mercado Modelo de Chiclayo, 2023. According to the aim pursued, an applied research was carried out, whose design was non-experimental, descriptive-correlational. The study population was 3,343 merchants, and using the simple random probability sampling technique, a sample of 345 merchants was obtained; for data collection, the survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, which consisted of 34 items and was validated by three experts in the field, whose reliability, using Cronbach's alpha, was 0.919, indicating an excellent level of reliability. Through Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient, an indicator of 0.483 was obtained, concluding that there is a positive average correlation between the study variables, that is, that the use of the fintech service positively influences the financial inclusion of the merchants of the Chiclayo Model Market.
The general objective of this research work was to determine the relationship between the use of the fintech service and the financial inclusion of merchants in the Mercado Modelo de Chiclayo, 2023. According to the aim pursued, an applied research was carried out, whose design was non-experimental, descriptive-correlational. The study population was 3,343 merchants, and using the simple random probability sampling technique, a sample of 345 merchants was obtained; for data collection, the survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, which consisted of 34 items and was validated by three experts in the field, whose reliability, using Cronbach's alpha, was 0.919, indicating an excellent level of reliability. Through Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient, an indicator of 0.483 was obtained, concluding that there is a positive average correlation between the study variables, that is, that the use of the fintech service positively influences the financial inclusion of the merchants of the Chiclayo Model Market.
Fintech, Inclusión financiera, Acceso, Uso y calidad percibida