Uso social de la antigua Iglesia y Convento de Los Dominicos para su revaloración como monumento histórico. Chicama, 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación titulada “Uso Social de la Antigua iglesia y Convento de Los Dominicos para su revaloración como monumento histórico. Chicama, 2023” tiene como objetivo general determinar como la puesta en uso social de la antigua Iglesia y Convento de Los Dominicos se relaciona con su revaloración como monumento histórico. El tipo de investigación aplicada, es transversal, de enfoque mixto y diseño no experimental. La población del estudio fue la localidad de Chicama, siendo su muestra 50 pobladores de la localidad de Chicama. Se elaboraron tres instrumentos, los dos primeros fueron la ficha de observación, la primera para determinar el actual estado de conservación, y la segunda fue para estudiar las dimensiones urbano e histórica y llegar a la conclusión si es factible o no el uso social del Monumento. El tercer instrumento utilizado fue la encuesta, para estudiar las dimensiones socio-económica y cultural.
Como resultados obtenidos del primer instrumento fue el mal estado de conservación del inmueble, teniendo el templo como nivel de afectación “inhabitable” y el ex convento encontrándose en “colapso”, por lo que se considera imprescindible su intervención; el segundo instrumento dio como resultado la factibilidad desde el punto de vista urbano, y se reconoció el valor histórico del inmueble por lo que se concluyó que debe llevarse a cabo su Puesta en Uso Social. El resultado del tercer instrumento fue la buena pro por parte de la población y la necesidad de incorporar actividades de tipo sociales y religiosas dentro de un marco cultural.
The present investigation entitled "Social Use of the Old Church and Convent of Los Dominicos for its revaluation as a historical monument. Chicama, 2023" has the general objective of determining how the social use of the old church and convent of Los Dominicos is related to its revaluation as a historical monument. The type of applied research is transversal, of mixed approach and non-experimental design. The study population was the town of Chicama, with a sample of 50 residents of the town of Chicama. Three instruments were developed, the first two were observation sheets, the first to determine the current state of conservation, and the second to study the urban and historical dimensions and to conclude whether or not the social use of the monument is feasible. The third instrument used was a survey to study the socioeconomic and cultural dimensions. The results obtained from the first instrument were the poor state of conservation of the property, with the temple being "uninhabitable" and the former convent being in "collapse", and therefore its intervention is considered essential; the second instrument gave as a result the feasibility from the urban point of view, and the historical value of the property was recognized, which led to the conclusion that it should be put to social use. The result of the third instrument was the approval of the population and the need to incorporate social and religious activities within a cultural framework.
The present investigation entitled "Social Use of the Old Church and Convent of Los Dominicos for its revaluation as a historical monument. Chicama, 2023" has the general objective of determining how the social use of the old church and convent of Los Dominicos is related to its revaluation as a historical monument. The type of applied research is transversal, of mixed approach and non-experimental design. The study population was the town of Chicama, with a sample of 50 residents of the town of Chicama. Three instruments were developed, the first two were observation sheets, the first to determine the current state of conservation, and the second to study the urban and historical dimensions and to conclude whether or not the social use of the monument is feasible. The third instrument used was a survey to study the socioeconomic and cultural dimensions. The results obtained from the first instrument were the poor state of conservation of the property, with the temple being "uninhabitable" and the former convent being in "collapse", and therefore its intervention is considered essential; the second instrument gave as a result the feasibility from the urban point of view, and the historical value of the property was recognized, which led to the conclusion that it should be put to social use. The result of the third instrument was the approval of the population and the need to incorporate social and religious activities within a cultural framework.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History