Aprendemos a producir parábolas de manera colaborativa
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional Aprendemos a producir parábolas de manera colaborativa, permite que el docente detalle tanto el sustento teórico como pedagógico que utiliza en su práctica docente, pues es una reflexión sistemática del quehacer del docente. Así mismo se deja en claro, que la sesión de aprendizaje responde a toda una toda una implicancia de factores, como el enfoque pedagógico, donde se asume un marco teórico centrado en el estudiante, pues el aprendizaje tiene como base las corrientes propuestas por Piaget, Vygotsky Ausubel y Brunner por citar algunos. Por otro lado, el docente al interactuar con los estudiantes, utiliza todo un conjunto de estrategias metodológicas, medios, materiales educativos y un enfoque de evaluación, este trabajo detalla dichos elementos, así mismo explica como la evaluación formativa guía todo el desarrollo de la sesión de aprendizaje referido a las parábolas de Jesús. Finalmente, la docente propone sus conclusiones desde la reflexión de su práctica pedagógica realizada.
The present Work of Professional Sufficiency We learn to produce parables in a collaborative way, allows the teacher to detail both the theoretical and pedagogical support that they use in their teaching practice, since it is a systematic reflection of the teacher's work. Likewise, it is made clear that the learning session responds to an entire implication of factors, such as the pedagogical approach, where a theoretical framework centered on the student is assumed, since learning is based on the currents proposed by Piaget, Vygotsky Ausubel and Brunner to name a few. On the other hand, the teacher, when interacting with the students, uses a whole set of methodological strategies, media, educational materials and an evaluation approach, this work details these elements, as well as explains how the formative evaluation guides the entire development of the session of learning about the parables of Jesus. Finally, the teacher proposes her conclusions from the reflection of her pedagogical practice carried out.
The present Work of Professional Sufficiency We learn to produce parables in a collaborative way, allows the teacher to detail both the theoretical and pedagogical support that they use in their teaching practice, since it is a systematic reflection of the teacher's work. Likewise, it is made clear that the learning session responds to an entire implication of factors, such as the pedagogical approach, where a theoretical framework centered on the student is assumed, since learning is based on the currents proposed by Piaget, Vygotsky Ausubel and Brunner to name a few. On the other hand, the teacher, when interacting with the students, uses a whole set of methodological strategies, media, educational materials and an evaluation approach, this work details these elements, as well as explains how the formative evaluation guides the entire development of the session of learning about the parables of Jesus. Finally, the teacher proposes her conclusions from the reflection of her pedagogical practice carried out.
Educación, Educación secundaria, Aprendizaje activo