Incremento de productividad en mano de obra de cosecha de esparrago blanco mediante mejora de herramientas de corte y ruta
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo general incrementar la productividad de la mano de obra en la
cosecha de esparrago blanco mediante la mejora de herramientas de corte y ruta; para ello se planteó
una investigación aplicada con diseño pre experimental con pretest y postest, con una población
conformada por los trabajadores de cosecha de espárrago blanco, los resultados de la investigación,
muestran que la mejora de herramientas de corte y de ruta, redujeron en un 87,6% los tiempos de
cosecha, la inversión necesaria para llevar a cabo la mejora se basó en el servicio de tratamiento
térmico que ascendió a S/10 000,00 por ciclo de trabajo de 30 días; y el ahorro de costos fue de S/14
319,00 por ciclo de cosecha; obteniendo así un VAN de S/ 4216,80 y un TIR de 86%; evidenciando
de esta manera que el proyecto es viable económicamente.
The general objective of this study was to increase labor productivity in the white asparagus harvest by improving cutting and routing tools; For this purpose, an applied research was proposed with a preexperimental design with pre-test and post-test, with a population made up of white asparagus harvest workers. The results of the research show that the improvement of cutting and routing tools reduced by a 87.6% harvest times, the investment necessary to carry out the improvement was based on the heat treatment service that amounted to S/10,000.00 per 30-day work cycle; and the cost savings were S/14,319.00 per harvest cycle; thus obtaining a NPV of S/ 4,216.80 and an IRR of 86%; thus evidencing that the project is economically viable.
The general objective of this study was to increase labor productivity in the white asparagus harvest by improving cutting and routing tools; For this purpose, an applied research was proposed with a preexperimental design with pre-test and post-test, with a population made up of white asparagus harvest workers. The results of the research show that the improvement of cutting and routing tools reduced by a 87.6% harvest times, the investment necessary to carry out the improvement was based on the heat treatment service that amounted to S/10,000.00 per 30-day work cycle; and the cost savings were S/14,319.00 per harvest cycle; thus obtaining a NPV of S/ 4,216.80 and an IRR of 86%; thus evidencing that the project is economically viable.
Productividad laboral, Tratamiento térmico, Ruta