Autoestima y desempeño académico en los estudiantes de 4° año de secundaria de la I.E. Liceo Trujillo- 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente estudio científico tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la autoestima y el desempeño académico en los estudiantes de 4° año de secundaria de la I.E. Liceo, Trujillo – 2022. Para ello, se empleó una metodología de tipo básico, con enfoque cuantitativo y diseño descriptivo – correlacional, transversal. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 53 estudiantes de una población de 4° grado de secundaria de la I.E. Liceo Trujillo. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron concluir que sí existe una relación significativa entre la autoestima y el desempeño académico en los estudiantes de 4° año de secundaria de la I.E. Liceo, Trujillo – 2022, lo que sugiere que un nivel alto de autoestima puede tener un nivel alto de desempeño académico de los alumnos.
The general objective of this scientific study was to determine the relationship between self esteem and academic performance in 4th year high school students of I.E. Liceo, Trujillo - 2022. For this purpose, a basic methodology was used, with a quantitative approach and a descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 53 students from a population of 4th grade of secondary school of the I.E. Liceo Trujillo. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that there is a significant relationship between self-esteem and academic performance in 4th year high school students of the I.E. Liceo, Trujillo - 2022, which suggests that a high level of self-esteem can have a high level of academic performance of the students.
The general objective of this scientific study was to determine the relationship between self esteem and academic performance in 4th year high school students of I.E. Liceo, Trujillo - 2022. For this purpose, a basic methodology was used, with a quantitative approach and a descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 53 students from a population of 4th grade of secondary school of the I.E. Liceo Trujillo. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that there is a significant relationship between self-esteem and academic performance in 4th year high school students of the I.E. Liceo, Trujillo - 2022, which suggests that a high level of self-esteem can have a high level of academic performance of the students.
Educación, Psicología, Psicología del adolescente, Autoestima