Programa Buen vivir de cuentos - fábulas para fomentar la práctica de valores en los niños de 4 años, Lima 2020
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación titulada Programa Buen Vivir de cuentos - fábulas para fomentar la práctica de valores en los niños de 4 años, Lima 2020, tuvo como objetivo fomentar y fortalecer la práctica de valores en niños y niñas de 4 años, a través, de la narración de cuentos y fábulas. Es de tipo cuantitativa, con un diseño descriptivo – propositivo, la población estuvo conformada por un grupo muestral de 23 niños y niñas, se aplicó una evaluación diagnóstica a través de una guía de observación que constó de 20 ítems donde se tomó en cuenta las siguientes dimensiones: orden, respeto, responsabilidad, honestidad y obediencia. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en la evaluación diagnóstica, se mostró que el 13.04% de los niños se encontraban en un nivel bajo, el 73.91 % se ubicó en un nivel medio, y, un 13.04 % en un nivel alto, evidenciando así dificultades con respecto a la práctica de valores en los niños. A raíz del problema fue propuesto el programa Buen Vivir de cuentos – fábulas para fomentar la práctica de valores, el cual constó de 20 actividades que tienen una secuencia metodológica tomando en cuenta a las dimensiones: conocemos, dudamos, reflexionamos, afirmamos y aprendemos, donde se incluye la narración de cuentos y fábulas para fomentar la práctica de los valores.
The present research entitled Buen Vivir Program of stories - fables to promote the practice of values in 4-year-old children, Lima 2020, aimed to promote and strengthen the practice of values in 4-year-old boys and girls, through the narration of stories and fables. It is of a quantitative type, with a descriptive - purposeful design, the population was made up of a sample group of 23 boys and girls, a diagnostic evaluation was applied through an observation guide consisting of 20 items where the following dimensions were taken into account: order, respect, responsibility, honesty and obedience. According to the results obtained in the diagnostic evaluation, it was shown that 13.04% of the children were at a low level, 73.91% were at a medium level, and 13.04% at a high level, thus evidencing difficulties regarding the practice of values in children. As a result of the problem, the Buen Vivir program of stories and fables was proposed to encourage the practice of values, which consisted of 20 activities that have a methodological sequence taking into account the dimensions: we know, we doubt, we reflect, we affirm and we learn, which includes the narration of stories and fables to encourage the practice of values.
The present research entitled Buen Vivir Program of stories - fables to promote the practice of values in 4-year-old children, Lima 2020, aimed to promote and strengthen the practice of values in 4-year-old boys and girls, through the narration of stories and fables. It is of a quantitative type, with a descriptive - purposeful design, the population was made up of a sample group of 23 boys and girls, a diagnostic evaluation was applied through an observation guide consisting of 20 items where the following dimensions were taken into account: order, respect, responsibility, honesty and obedience. According to the results obtained in the diagnostic evaluation, it was shown that 13.04% of the children were at a low level, 73.91% were at a medium level, and 13.04% at a high level, thus evidencing difficulties regarding the practice of values in children. As a result of the problem, the Buen Vivir program of stories and fables was proposed to encourage the practice of values, which consisted of 20 activities that have a methodological sequence taking into account the dimensions: we know, we doubt, we reflect, we affirm and we learn, which includes the narration of stories and fables to encourage the practice of values.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Programa de enseñanza, Comunicación, Cuento, Narración de cuentos, Valores morales