Taller APLICATIC para motivar el nivel de aprendizaje en niños de 5 años de Educación Inicial, Trujillo – 2021
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El objetivo de esta presente investigación consistió en determinar el efecto del Taller APLICATIC para motivar el nivel de aprendizaje en niños de 5 años de educación inicial, donde se consideró importante identificar el nivel de aprendizaje en que se encontraban los niños al aplicar las TIC mediante el uso de diferentes programas virtuales para motivarlos a aprender por sí mismos. La presente investigación es descriptiva propositiva. Durante la investigación, se consideró conveniente describir el efecto del taller APLICATIC para motivar el nivel de aprendizaje en la dimensión del área de comunicación, matemática, personal social y psicomotricidad. Para ello, se aplicó el instrumento guía de observación, en el grupo que estuvo conformado por 18 niños, donde se pudo evidenciar en los resultados obtenidos que el 0% (0 niños) se encontraban en un nivel bajo, 39% (7 niños) en un nivel medio y el 61% (11 niños) en un nivel alto de aprendizaje en las dimensiones propiamente mencionadas.
The objective of this research was to determine the effect of the APLICATIC Workshop to motivate the level of learning in 5-year-old children in early education, where it was considered important to identify the level of learning in which the children were when applying TIC through the use of different virtual programs to motivate them to learn by themselves. The present research is descriptive propositive. During the research, it was considered convenient to describe the effect of the APLICATIC Workshop to motivate the learning level in the dimensions of the areas of communication, mathematics, personal social and psychomotor. For this purpose, the observation guide instrument was applied to the group of 18 children, where the results showed that 0% (0 children) were at a low level, 39% (7 children) at a medium level and 61% (11 children) at a high level of learning in the aforementioned dimensions.
The objective of this research was to determine the effect of the APLICATIC Workshop to motivate the level of learning in 5-year-old children in early education, where it was considered important to identify the level of learning in which the children were when applying TIC through the use of different virtual programs to motivate them to learn by themselves. The present research is descriptive propositive. During the research, it was considered convenient to describe the effect of the APLICATIC Workshop to motivate the learning level in the dimensions of the areas of communication, mathematics, personal social and psychomotor. For this purpose, the observation guide instrument was applied to the group of 18 children, where the results showed that 0% (0 children) were at a low level, 39% (7 children) at a medium level and 61% (11 children) at a high level of learning in the aforementioned dimensions.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Taller educativo, Nivel de enseñanza, Aprendizaje