Influencia de la gestión institucional en la planificación pedagógica en la Institución Educativa N° 81014 – Trujillo
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El estudio científico que se presenta fue ejecutado con el objetivo de determinar la Influencia de la gestión institucional en la planificación pedagógica en una Institución Educativa, Trujillo - 2022. El tipo de investigación fue no experimental con diseño correlacional, se utilizó los métodos, hipotético, deductivo, análisis y síntesis, la población lo conformaron 49 docentes del nivel secundario de los cuales 46 docentes conformó la muestra; además, como técnica se utilizó la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario, validados por juicio de expertos y Alfa de Cronbach para el primero fue de 0,972 y para el segundo de 0,963. Los resultados muestran que están muy satisfechos en gestión institucional 52% y en planificación pedagógica 89% asimismo, para contrastar la hipótesis se empleó Rho de Spearman entre Gestión Institucional y planificación pedagógica obteniendo una correlación positiva moderada de 0,433 y Sig.=0,003<0,05 y también con las dimensiones; Cualidades personales Rho = 0,386 (p-valor=0,008<0,05), con Relaciones interpersonales Rho = 0,485(p-valor=0,001<0,05), con Construcción del currículo Rho = 0,371(p-valor =0,011< 0,05), con Diversificación curricular Rho = 0, 344 (p-valor =0,019< 0,05), con Programación curriculares Rho = 460 (p-valor=0,001< 0,05) con Desarrollo e investigación Rho = 0,351(p-valor=0,017<0,05) y con Participación de los padres de familia Rho =0,378 (p-valor=0,010< 0,05). Se concluye que el conducir al recurso humano al logro de las metas provistas permiten también elaborar y ejecutar una programación con estrategias, metodología activa e investigatorio y desarrollo de capacidades en beneficio de las futuras generaciones de escolares.
The scientific study presented here was carried out with the aim of determining the influence of institutional management on pedagogical planning in an educational institution, Trujillo - 2022. The type of research was non-experimental with correlational design, the methods used were hypothetical, deductive, analysis and synthesis, the population consisted of 49 secondary school teachers of which 46 teachers made up the sample; in addition, the survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, validated by expert judgement and Cronbach's Alpha for the first was 0.972 and for the second 0.963. The results show that they are very satisfied in institutional management 52% and in pedagogical planning 89%. Likewise, to test the hypothesis, Spearman's Rho was used between Institutional Management and pedagogical planning, obtaining a moderate positive correlation of 0.433 and Sig. =0.003<0.05 and also with the dimensions; Personal qualities Rho = 0.386 (p-value=0.008<0.05), with Interpersonal relations Rho = 0.485(p-value=0.001<0.05), with Curriculum construction Rho = 0.371(p-value =0.011<0.05), with Curricular diversification Rho = 0, 344 (p-value =0.019< 0.05), with Curriculum programming Rho = 460 (p-value=0.001< 0.05) with Development and research Rho = 0.351(p-value=0.017< 0.05) and with Parental involvement Rho =0.378 (p-value=0.010< 0.05). It is concluded that leading human resources to the achievement of the goals.
The scientific study presented here was carried out with the aim of determining the influence of institutional management on pedagogical planning in an educational institution, Trujillo - 2022. The type of research was non-experimental with correlational design, the methods used were hypothetical, deductive, analysis and synthesis, the population consisted of 49 secondary school teachers of which 46 teachers made up the sample; in addition, the survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, validated by expert judgement and Cronbach's Alpha for the first was 0.972 and for the second 0.963. The results show that they are very satisfied in institutional management 52% and in pedagogical planning 89%. Likewise, to test the hypothesis, Spearman's Rho was used between Institutional Management and pedagogical planning, obtaining a moderate positive correlation of 0.433 and Sig. =0.003<0.05 and also with the dimensions; Personal qualities Rho = 0.386 (p-value=0.008<0.05), with Interpersonal relations Rho = 0.485(p-value=0.001<0.05), with Curriculum construction Rho = 0.371(p-value =0.011<0.05), with Curricular diversification Rho = 0, 344 (p-value =0.019< 0.05), with Curriculum programming Rho = 460 (p-value=0.001< 0.05) with Development and research Rho = 0.351(p-value=0.017< 0.05) and with Parental involvement Rho =0.378 (p-value=0.010< 0.05). It is concluded that leading human resources to the achievement of the goals.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History