Taller de títeres para mejorar la autorregulación de los niños de 3 años de una Institución Pública, Trujillo – 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación titulada: Taller de títeres para mejorar la autorregulación de los niños de 3 años de una Institución Pública, Trujillo – 2022, tuvo como objetivo general diseñar la propuesta del taller de títeres para mejorar la autorregulación de los niños de 3 años, mediante el uso principal de los títeres. Para ello se trabajó bajo el diseño descriptivo propositivo, se aplicó una guía de observación que permitió medir la autorregulación según tres dimensiones: Adaptabilidad, autocontrol e innovación a 10 niños de 3 años de la I.E. 1638 Pasitos de Jesús. Se obtuvo como resultados que, el nivel de autorregulación de los niños de 3 años se encuentra en el nivel de inicio en un 70% y en el nivel de en proceso en un 30%. Por lo tanto, se concluyó en que, debido a los bajos resultados obtenidos, se vio conveniente diseñar la propuesta del taller de títeres para mejorar el nivel de autorregulación de los niños de 3 años de la institución educativa 1638 Pasitos de Jesús, para brindarles un espacio en donde puedan conocer y expresar libremente sus emociones.
The present research entitled: Puppet workshop to improve the self-regulation of 3-yaer old children of a Public Institution, Trujillo – 2022, had as a general objective to design the proposal of the puppet workshop to improve the self-regulation of 3-year-old children, through the main use of puppets. To do this, we worked under the purposeful descriptive design, an observation guide was applied that allowed self-regulation to be measured according to three dimensions: Adaptability, self-control and innovation to 10 3-year-old children from the I.E. 1638 Little Steps of Jesus. The results were obtained that the level of self-regulation of 3-year-old children is at the beginning level by 70% and at the in-process level by 30%. Therefore, it was concluded that, due to the low results obtained, it was considered advisable to design the puppet workshop proposal to improve the level of self-regulation of the 3-year-old children of the educational institution 1638 Pasitos de Jesus, to provide them with a space where they can know and freely express their emotions.
The present research entitled: Puppet workshop to improve the self-regulation of 3-yaer old children of a Public Institution, Trujillo – 2022, had as a general objective to design the proposal of the puppet workshop to improve the self-regulation of 3-year-old children, through the main use of puppets. To do this, we worked under the purposeful descriptive design, an observation guide was applied that allowed self-regulation to be measured according to three dimensions: Adaptability, self-control and innovation to 10 3-year-old children from the I.E. 1638 Little Steps of Jesus. The results were obtained that the level of self-regulation of 3-year-old children is at the beginning level by 70% and at the in-process level by 30%. Therefore, it was concluded that, due to the low results obtained, it was considered advisable to design the puppet workshop proposal to improve the level of self-regulation of the 3-year-old children of the educational institution 1638 Pasitos de Jesus, to provide them with a space where they can know and freely express their emotions.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Taller educativo, Marionetas, Psicología de la educación