Propuesta Aprendemos cantando para desarrollar el Lenguaje en niños de 1 a 2 años, año 2021
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo Diseñar la propuesta del programa Aprendemos cantando para desarrollar el lenguaje en niños de 1 a 2 años, 2023. El estudio fue de tipo básica. Se utilizó el diseño de investigación bibliográfica propositiva, usando los métodos inductivo, deductivo y sintético para analizar la información de libros, tesis y artículos; también, se empleó técnicas de recolección de datos como: el registro documentario, las fichas textuales y de parafraseo. Se diseñó la propuesta del programa Aprendemos cantando para desarrollar el lenguaje en niños de 1 a 2 años, fundamentado en los aspectos filosóficos, psicológico y pedagógico, tomando en cuenta canciones infantiles, estrategias metodológicas especializadas y los momentos de interacción del primer ciclo de Educación básica Regular. Finalmente, Se diseñó las sesiones del programa Aprendemos cantando para favorecer el lenguaje con la finalidad de cumplir con la función muy importante, ya que implica la utilización del habla intencional en el niño que le permite tener una interacción social y comunicación con el medio que le rodea.
The objective of this research work was to design the proposal for the We learn by singing program to develop language in children from 1 to 2 years old, 2023. The study was basic. The purposeful bibliographic research design was used, using inductive, deductive and synthetic methods to analyze information from books, theses and articles; Also, data collection techniques were used such as: documentary registration, textual and paraphrasing files. The proposal for the We Learn by Singing program was designed to develop language in children from 1 to 2 years old, based on philosophical, psychological and pedagogical aspects, taking into account children's songs, specialized methodological strategies and the moments of interaction of the first cycle of Basic Education. Regular. Finally, the sessions of the We Learn by Singing program were designed to promote language in order to fulfill the very important function, since it implies the use of intentional speech in the child that allows him to have social interaction and communication with the environment that surrounds him. Surrounds.
The objective of this research work was to design the proposal for the We learn by singing program to develop language in children from 1 to 2 years old, 2023. The study was basic. The purposeful bibliographic research design was used, using inductive, deductive and synthetic methods to analyze information from books, theses and articles; Also, data collection techniques were used such as: documentary registration, textual and paraphrasing files. The proposal for the We Learn by Singing program was designed to develop language in children from 1 to 2 years old, based on philosophical, psychological and pedagogical aspects, taking into account children's songs, specialized methodological strategies and the moments of interaction of the first cycle of Basic Education. Regular. Finally, the sessions of the We Learn by Singing program were designed to promote language in order to fulfill the very important function, since it implies the use of intentional speech in the child that allows him to have social interaction and communication with the environment that surrounds him. Surrounds.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Comunicación, Arte, Música, Música vocal